Media Mayhem

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Tejasswi swiftly turned, aware that everyone must be waiting. As she did, the intense glare of camera flashes made her squint, revealing a startling sight: she was enveloped by a swarm of media professionals.

"Tejasswi ma'am..."

"Miss Sharma....."

"Ma'am, you're looking gorgeous."

Tejasswi found herself momentarily paralyzed by the sudden onslaught of cameras and a barrage of microphones aimed at her and Saanjh. The overwhelming situation left Saanjh visibly perturbed.

"Look at this cherubic little face..." A reporter marveled, charmed by Saanjh, while his cameraman seized the opportunity to take some pictures.

Regaining her composure, Tejasswi quickly shielded Saanjh's face against her shoulder, though the camera's shutter continued its ceaseless rhythm.

"Ma'am, are you here by yourself with the baby?"

"Is the occasion a family gathering or a work-related meeting?"

"What was the reason for bringing the baby to the meeting?"

"Could the baby be on the path to becoming a child actor?"

"Just curious, who is the baby's guardian?"

"Is she a niece of yours or Mr. Kundrra's, or is she just an acquaintance?"

Reporters bombarded Tejasswi with a relentless stream of questions, leaving Tejasswi flustered. She clung to Saanjh, determined to escape the press, but they formed an unyielding barrier, thrusting microphones towards her face.

"Tejasswi Sharma, it appears you're trying to steer clear of the media these days, isn't that so?"

"Is there a secret you're holding back?"

"There's no secret here. We're here for a family gathering. Please, my family is waiting; let me through."

Tejasswi was in the midst of a courteous request when Saanjh abruptly addressed her. "Mom, go, mom..." she implored, tugging at Tejasswi's chin and urging her to go back.

Saanjh's spontaneous outburst rekindled the media's focus, leading them to advance with their microphones aimed at Tejasswi. Simultaneously, Karan's security team swiftly closed ranks, aiming to create a buffer between them and the media.

"Tejasswi, ma'am, is this little one your daughter?"

"I'm baffled that you have a child of this age, and your fans had no idea. How did you keep it under wraps?"

"Is she an adopted child? Please answer, Miss Sharma."

"Even if she's an adopted child, why keep her hidden from your fans?"

Tejasswi was caught between the rock and the hard place, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She hoped to bypass the media, but providing vague answers could lead them to construct their own version of events involving her and Saanjh, placing the blame squarely on her.

Her own well-being is of little concern to her; she's laser-focused on safeguarding Saanjh's upbringing, determined to eliminate any possibility of her facing unnecessary controversy or psychological turmoil in the future due to one unfortunate incident.

'The media stands as a formidable force, capable of both constructing and demolishing the image and life of a public figure. They have the potential to affect my family and those I hold dear. Protecting Saanjh from any potential harm is my utmost priority.'

Tejasswi took a brief moment to ponder, then promptly decided to address the situation with savvy. "Let it be. I'll have a word with them," she murmured gently to the guards, motioning for her reliable security personnel, who faithfully accompanied her wherever she went.

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