Changing Seasons

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Upon returning to her hometown after years away, Tejasswi is flooded with nostalgic emotions.

As she relocated to Mumbai, she vowed to herself that New Delhi was a chapter of her past she'd never revisit. She held true to her word, never accepting an outdoor shoot in the city. Today, however, she finally broke her promise and returned.

While she had asked Karan for some time to ponder over her decision, the idea of encountering her family or Rashmi again, let alone going back, was something she strongly resisted. It was the thought of Rashmi's unborn child that ultimately nudged her towards giving Rashmi one last opportunity to speak and attempt to persuade her to grant her wish.

"Is nostalgia hitting you?" Karan questioned, seeing the twinkle in Tejasswi's eyes as she peered out the window during landing.

"Hmm, a bit." Tejasswi wiped the corners of her eyes.

They exited the airport, locked in an embrace, and met with a barrage of Tejasswi's fans requesting selfies, which slowly pushed Karan away. A silver BMW X7 pulled up in front of them, coming to his aid and prompting a sigh of relief.

Ishan leaped out of the car and, after a warm greeting, swiftly opened the door. "I apologize profusely for my tardiness."

Tejasswi couldn't hide her displeasure when she saw Ishan arrive to pick them up, casting a sharp look at Karan.

Karan rushed to appease his upset wife, saying, "Ishan really wanted to greet us at the airport, and I agreed." He gently guided her towards the open car door, urging, "Quick, or you'll find yourself surrounded by fans again."

Tejasswi was picturing them checking into a hotel, with no inkling that her family had already convinced Karan to stay at her parents' mansion.

She sat in the car, her face clouded with sadness. Karan pulled her close, embracing her gently. With meaningful gestures, he encouraged her to release the past and find joy. He urged her to embrace the new chapter of her life with an open heart, assuring her of his unwavering support forever.

A while later, she walked through the familiar halls of the mansion where she was born and raised, thinking, 'Nothing has changed.' Nostalgia washed over her as she relived the many memories associated with this place.

The instant she stepped through the door, the entire Sharma family, eagerly awaiting their arrival, closed in around her, embracing her one by one in a heartfelt hug.

"To spend some quality time with Teju, we've all relocated to dad's mansion," Ishan shared with Karan in a hushed tone.

'Hmm, while they struck me as a bit odd during our initial meeting, I couldn't deny that their affection for Teju mirrors the love my own family has for me.'

"Teju, would you like to grab a bite or have some rest?" Janki questioned.

"I'd prefer to see Rashmi first," Tejasswi stated plainly.

Despite Tejasswi's sharp reply, the family let out a collective sigh as Tejasswi finally took the steps to reconcile with Rashmi.

Tejasswi and Karan were led to Rashmi's room by Mayesha. Tejasswi was taken aback to see Rashmi, who had always been so proud and poised, now looking incredibly pale and emaciated, as though she had lost a considerable amount of blood. This wasn't the Rashmi she had known all her life.

"Guess who's here, Rashmi," Mayesha called gently.

Rashmi's eyes flickered open, and a glimmer of light broke through the gloom as she looked at Tejasswi.

"Teju......." Rashmi said meekly, her hand outstretched.

Tejasswi gripped her hand and settled on the bed beside her, choosing to forget the past discord.

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