ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 5 {ᔕTᗩᖴᖴ ᗰEETIᑎG}🎙️

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Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

Slink organises the issues and instructs toys who are getting lost within the large group. "Come on, come on. Smaller toys up front"

Looking around after convincing Potato head to just cooperate and join in, out of everyone here I realises Woody isn't here yet. Stopping in my tracks from walking to the meeting by the bedside, I glaze my eyes over the room looking out for him.

And what would you know, he's still with Bo in the corner. I watch as the two flirt, Woody acting all giddy before Bo sways away from him smiling over her shoulder.

These too, I swear. I love how they affect each other, I'd love something like that. But I hate that it makes me so sad. Bo's nice, Woody is nice, at least to me, so I can't understand why I can't having something nice like they share.

"Hey woody, come on" I call to him who whips is head around looking flustered.

With the cluster of toys making their way to the staff meeting, I too head over. I find my self off to the corner in front of the gathering. That is because I get special treatment...and once we have had me potato head try to tackle Woody, so I'm just here in case of a potato emergency.

Hopping up behind the podium, Woody is offered the microphone from Mike which he grabs a hold of. Turning it on, a whine echos from the speakers. Some toys complain, and cower before Mike wiggles back.

Checking that it's working correctly  Woody takes a breath out a couple of times and asks if everything is ok and everyone can hear "it's that better? Everyone hear me up on the shelf, can you hear me? Great!"

Woody finally starts the meeting "Okay.. first item today oh yes, has eveybody picked a moving buddy?

The room groans. I have to admit, it's a little much. We can handle ourselves, but Woody doesn't understand that.

Hamm who's on the shelf behind, complains to Woody "Moving buddy? You can't be serious!"

I'm honestly not surprised that Woody has come up with this. It's not the most control freakish thing but it's up there. Maybe Woody thought he might get lost and was scared he'd be judged if he asked to stick with someone so he made it compulsory. Just a thought.

Who would I buddy with anyways? Maybe Bo but she'd be with Woody. Possibly Slink but then again Woody might make Slink and I pair with someone who doesn't have anyone or who might need watching like Potato head.

Though, I might get out of it and claim that I'm keeping watch of everyone and Woody might agree to that.

Taking this all very seriously, Rex Panics "Well, I don't know we were supposed to have one already!".

Hoisting one of his arms in the air, unhooked from his body, Potato head pipes up "do we have to hold hands?".

Everyone has a chuckles as he smirks knowing that he's irritating Woody. I have to admit it was a little funny, I can't let Woody know I think that though. Woody's always thinking strictly business, he takes himself a little too seriously sometimes, and I don't want to get on that bad side of him.

"Oh yeah, you guys think this is all a joke. We've only got one week before the move. I don't want any toys left behind" Jabbing his finger at the crowd he finishes, "a moving buddy if you don't have one, get one".

Woody moves on to his next point.

"Alright, next...uh...oh, yes. Tuesday night's 'Plastic Corrosion Awareness' meeting was, I think, a big success and we want to thank Mr.Spell for putting that on for us. Thank you, Mr. Spell."

I hope I never have to sit through one of them ever again.

"Ok, uhh oh yes, one minor note here, Andy's birthday party has been moved to today." Woody starts to mumble under his breath as if it's general knowledge.

Trying to move on quickly Woody keeps speaking but his voice is completely drowned out from everyone's panic.

Rex yells out "what whadda ya mean the party's today? His birthday isn't till next week!"

I must admit I'm surprised, this is news to me.

"What's going on down there, is his mom loosing her marbles?" Hamm shouts down, sounding grumpy.

Woody turns to speak to Hamm directly "Well obviously she wanted the party before the move" Then he turns back to the gathering of toys "I'm not worried, you shouldn't be worried". He tries to reason with the crowd.

Forcefully shoving his way to the front, Potato head jabs accusing fingers at the cowboy. "Of course Woody ain't worried! He's been his favourite since kindergarten".

He's an aggressive one, we're often on the look out for him.

In response to this, Slinky speaks up in Woody's defence. "hey, hey come on potato head. If woody says it's alright, then darn it, it's good enough for me. Woody has never steered us wrong before."

Slinky steps back to his prior position on the side.

With a smirk, potato head grabs his mouth and starts acting all stupid. He was using his mouth and kissing with butt motioning to Slink.

A couple of the toys around him have a chuckle, I can't help but roll my eyes. I'm sick of him at the moment, he's just rude.

"Come on guys, every Christmas and birthday we go through this" Woody sighs disappointed with the crowds panic.

Sharing his fears Rex speaks up "But, what if Andy get another dinosaur, a mean one! I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection".

"Rex i think that you and everyone here is forgetting that Andy is our kid. He's loyal to all of us and if there is anyone new, he will simply make room for them, not eject us." I speak up, sharing my understanding of the situation and trying to reassure some.

I feel a quick pressure on my should as Woody uses it to balance himself as he gets down from the podium before walking in front of everyone. "Hey listen, she's right. No one is getting replaced this is Andy we are talking about it doesn't matter if we're played with-"

He stops for a brief moment one while getting Mike to come closer so he can continue to use the microphone.

"What matters is that we are here for Andy when he needs us, that's what were made for right"

The crowd goes quiet and a little sheepish thinking over what had been said. It was almost peaceful for a good moment but of course it was cut short.

"Hate to break up the staff meeting but..THEIR HERE!! Birthday guests at 3 o'clock!"

Everyone shoves and pushes each other, fighting to get to the window, wanting to see who was arriving and what.

Woody and I scramble out the way of everyone. It's not the first time Andy's had a birthday and it won't be the last.

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Words: 1200

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