ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 53 {TᕼEIᖇ ᒍᑌᑎK} 📞

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Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

"Okay, places, everyone. Come on, come on. Get in position." Shoving a bit of clutter out of his way, Woody ushers us around as we prepare our attempt of making Andy notice us. Wriggling through the old toy box I listen into the small talk from the others who have also made it all these years. Getting as comfortable as I can amongst the old book, trinkets and other forgotten items.

"Wait! I can't find my other eye!" Mrs Potato head panics, her hand over the space of her missing eye. A small stream of a light beam rests alone the width of the toy box. Our only source of slight sight.

With an annoyed sigh Hamm says "Alright, who's foot's in my face?"

Sitting up also overwhelmed with clutter Mr Potato head says "It's mine. Give it back."

And after all these years the Aliens are still pestering Potato head "You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful". Though they are hushed but their father, the spud himself.

While I'm busy listening to the potato couple I feel the objects beside me move as someone shuffle to plant themselves next to me. "Y/n, do you mind if I sit with you?" Buzz asks as if I'd say no. I like the fact that even though he's usually a confident and composed toy, when it comes to me he becomes a little nervous. It's sweet.

"Oh, you really want to squeeze in next to me?" I ask, acting like I'm surprised by the request.

Stumbling over his words, Buzz manages to sort of put together a sentence "Yes. I mean, no. Why wouldn't I mind S-squeezing next to you?" Clearing his throat he tried to direct the attention back to the situation at hand with an awkward comment "Is it hot in here?"

I can't help but smile at his reaction, I like to mess with him. Snuggling up close to him I prepare and wait for the next step of the plan.

Peaking out to Andy's room Rex says "Oh, here they come!"

Peeking over at the opening of the toy box I quietly ask Woody his thoughts "are you sure we should be going through with this, it's only gonna shatter the others."

"All we can do is try and stay positive" Woodys simply sighs, he seems tired and desperate.

Lifting the hood slightly, we see Sarge and his two last remaining army men approach the toy box with a sock. It's now or never.

Clarifying, Woody asks "Sarge, you got it?"

Looking up at the gap Sarge says "Mission accomplished." The guys inside cheers, this part of the plan had taken just over a few days to achieve, it's been the Journey.

Leaning over the edge, I grab a hold onto the corner of the sock, lifting it up with a slight shake to my arm because of the weight from the secret weapon, past my shoulder where it's grab by Woody and Buzz.

Shaking the sock Woody strains "Careful, careful." And out drops Andy's cellphone as couple of excited gasps are heard. With a softness to his tone Woody mentally prepares us "All right, guys. We got one shot at this. Everyone ready?"

Jessie, a little more energetic grabs a hold of the home phone we were able to snag a week or so ago, I'm surprised there hasn't been more of a demand to find it from the humans in the house hold. "We're ready, Woody! Let's do it." She holds it out in front of me to start typing on.

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