ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 60 {ᑕᕼᑌᑕKᒪEᔕ' ᔕTOᖇY} ☎️

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"1225 Syca..."I spell out to myself, typing in Andy's address into the computer carefully using the keyboard. A ding catches my attention, a message flashes across the screen "Who is Velocistar237?"

"Oh, that's just a dinosaur toy down the street. That's nothing. Let me just take care of that." Trixie pushes me over, typing quickly responding to the message explaining herself "Just a dinosaur." She brushes off the encounter.

Getting back to entering the address I hope for the best "Alright, alright. Sycamore. Okay, enter." Trixie presses enter for me and we wait for the route to load. "Please don't be far. Please. Please." A purple line guides me from Bonnie's house to now Andy's "Right around the corner?" Hugging Bonnie's Totoro while rejoicing I step down from the desk, ready to head home "It's right around the corner!!"


"I'm going to college! Look at me! I'm a big toy on campus! Hello! Hey, I'll see you at the sock hop." I goof around, things are finally looking upwards.

"Okay, Potsie."

"Hey, listen. If any of you guys ever get to Sunnyside Daycare, you tell 'em Woody made it home." Dashing to the cat flap I push it up and stop myself mention to Bonnie's toys.

"You came from Sunnyside?"

"But how did you all escape?"

Hopping up onto the ledge I listen to Dolly and Trixie "Well, it wasn't easy. I..." my mood instantly drops as I comprehend their word choice "What do you mean escape?"

"Sunnyside is a place of ruin and despair, ruled by an evil bear who smells of strawberries". I hop down from the ledge as Prickle pants steps up, his tone serious. He looks up at me, by my boots. Strawberries?

"Lotso?" I ask shocked, dropping the flap.

"The guy may seem plush and huggable on the outside, but inside, he's a monster." Buttercup speaks up too supporting Prickle pants' statement, his ears drooped.

"But... how do you know that?" I try to understand what's happening, with such glum information that was suddenly just loaded with about this bear.

Mr Pricklepants looks off into the distance "Chuckles. He'll tell you." Following his vision, I see a clown toy sitting above the kitchen sink.

"Yeah, I knew Lotso. He was a good toy. A friend. Me and him, we had the same kid, Daisy" His voice gruff and tired sounding speaks up.

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"I was there when Lotso got unwrapped." That Christmas morning, in front of the crackling fire place. "Daisy loved us all." She would pamper us, take care of us. "But Lotso, Lotso was special. They did everything together. You've never seen a kid and a toy more in love." From hanging outside, to falling asleep at night. "One day, we took a drive. Hit a rest stop. Had a little playtime. After lunch, Daisy fell asleep." Watching that car drive off hurt, we were helpless, lost. "She never came back." Gazing at Big baby's plastic pendant, Daisy's name messily written on it Lotso despises to push on. "Lotso wouldn't give up. It took forever, but we finally made it back to Daisy's." After what it self to be countless Nights, this final one night grew cold, damp, as we stand outside Daisy's warmly lit window. Peaking inside, my heart drops for Lotso "But by then, it was too late." Leaving the window, stepping down from Big Babies hold he walk off, staring into the almost completely dark sky "Something changed that day inside Lotso. Something snapped."

Lotso growls "She replaced us. Come on!"

"No, she only replaced you!" I remember trying to protest.

Lotso, stops his angry stride and growls down at me "She replaced all of us! Didn't she?" I cower as Big Baby attempts to climb to see, Lotso pulling him down roughly, him roughly pulling big baby along him crying out.

Buzz is Love Buzz is 𝐿𝐼𝐹𝐸 (TBD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora