ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 45 {ᒪETᔕ GO ᕼOᗰE}✈️

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Woody and Buzz on their way to the plane ^

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

"Happy trails prospector" Woody salutes him off.

"Buzz, Woody!" Slink calls out, the 3 of us turning to see what the panic is

"Y/n! Help us out here!"

Focusing on what the problem is we see the horse, Bullseye and the cowgirl, Jessie wedging themselves out of the hard green case. Rex tries encouraging her "hurry!"

"Oh no, Jessie!" Woody mumbles to himself as we dash over to help her.

Potato head was holding up the lid by standing on Hamm along with Rex on the other side, but just not high enough. Jessie was stuck and overwhelmed as the case slowly got closer and closer to the ramp leading to the outside. Buzz and Woody attempt to grab the case to stop it from sliding down the ramp leading to the outside as I grab her hands, ready to pull her out to safety.

But we are too late.

The case tips over and everyone retreats to the side panels that aren't connected to the conveyer belt. Except me. Along with Jessie in the case I'm pulled down the ramp, In desperation I clutch the side barrier of the ramp and watch in horror as Jessie gets shoved back into the case and chucked onto the luggage truck.

Behind me I hear a sharp whistle followed shortly by "ride like the wind Bullseye!" Looking over my shoulder I see Woody and Buzz on Bullseye who's sliding down the ramp towards me.

"Hop on y/n!" Woody calls to me and Buzz  leans, his hand reaching out ready to swoop me up. holding out his hand for me to grab onto.

Buzz grabs my forearm firmly as they slide past as I let go of the side of the ramp, swinging me onto Bullseye between the two toys. The 4 of us reach the bottom and Bullseye start making his way towards the luggage truck, galloping swiftly.

"Hey, howdy, hey. Giddy-up." Woody calls. Bullseye's back really isn't designed for 3 riders, to fit and keep up the speed required to keep up with the truck, the 3 of us are leaned over. I'm quite literally being lied on by Woody.

"Come on, Bullseye. Hyah." Buzz encourages. This would be kinda awkward if we were racing to save a toy right now. Bullseye is now just keeping up with the end of the truck.

"Buzz, give us a boost!" Woah wait, hold up, is, as in me too.

"Us?" I question Woody, yelling over the sound of the engine of the luggage truck.

"I need you y/n, let's go" Woody yells back, leaving no room for negotiation. Woody climbs onto Buzz's helmet and leaps towards a bag tag, I climb up second and take a lightly leap to grab onto Woody's legs as the driver speeds up leaving Bullseye and Buzz to fall behind. Looking at Bullseye and Buzz who are quickly shrinking, falling behind, I see a very unsure expression on Buzz's face. Maybe he's thinking we won't make it...

Scampering up Woodys back, I grab onto a suitcase handle and we climb onto the roof of the last carriage. Up ahead we spot Al's green case placed behind the driver. Together we run and leap over the first gap between the carriages, Woody stumbles as he lands. Pulling him up I drag him along before he regains himself and pushes himself along. Throwing ourselves into the ground carriage, the driver slows down as he approaches the plane. We are so close to Al's case but so far. We watch as our target case is picked up first by the driver and placed on another conveyor belt into the cargo pit of the plane.

"Here's the rest" the man calls out.

Looking around Woody spots a golf bag and we hide inside it. I feel our disguise move up the conveyor belt and get picked up before being tossed and land on bags. Unzipping the zipper, we crawl out, along with golf balls and I spot the green case, placed in the corner of the cargo. Together Woody and I jump and climb through the bags, suitcases and luggage to get to Al's case. I shove a brown satchel away from the green case as Woody flicks the clips to lift the lid up. Inside was Jessie, curled up into a ball, eyes close and looking uneasy.

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