ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 23 {ᗰIᔕᔕIᑎG ᕼᗩT!}🎮

847 29 4

I lied, we're starting the second movie now. I can't wait till 2024. It's just a couple of days :)

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ


Buzz flying through space, breaks through the atmosphere of a planet and continues flying low through small ravens and asteroid showers dodging every single one. He finally makes it to the end of the obstacles where there is a large clearing. He hovers above checking his surroundings before dropping to his feet and looking around for a beat.

Finally he decides it's safe to contact star command.

"Buzz Lightyear mission log, All signs point to this planet as the location of Zurg's fortress. But there seems to be no sign of intelligent life any where."

Buzz looks up noticing there are millions of laser that are now pointed at him. Surrounding him for miles and infinite rows of robots starting him down. They open up their shoulders revealing two more robots and another two on top of their shoulders, quadrupling to the troublling situation Buzz need to get out of and fast. He spots a large crystal just meters away and ducks down, firing his own laser at that objects onto another even larger crystal. This larger crystal rebounds against the robots shooting them through their chests. The robots explode creating a domino effect of lime green explosions sending Buzz flying upwards and into a near by crater. A robot head lands by his arm, another by his shoulder, He dashes off to a near by wall for cover before being crushed my many others falling.

Once Buzz makes it to the wall a camera pops out and starts looking around before noticing him. As a quick reflex Buzz shoots it with his laser causing it to deteriorate on the spot and retract back into the wall. The gravel under his moon boots starts to rumble under, the ground moves creating a 'Z' that stands for Buzz's arch nemesis, Evil Emperor Zurg.

He drops down into the darkness bellow, the entrance shutting above him. His only light source being his glow in the dark suit. Buzz dashes through the hall ways, not knowing what was coming for him next. A chars his heard from behind Buzz and he looks back to see a wall has dropped with spikes that will impale him in seconds.

The wall starts moving, gaining speed quickly. Buzz starts loosing speed against the wall, the exit ahead closing slowly. Buzz had barely a second before he dived through the exit only just avoiding the spiked obstacle that smashing into the exit. Buzz instantly jumps up and focuses on his next challenge. A battery reading 'The source of Zurg's power'. Integed to defete Zurg Buzz wonders over to the floating bridge to access it.

One by one Buzz hops onto each platform, each making a musics note before suddenly dropping after jumping onto the second to last one. But with fast think, he clicks the button on his belt to form a forcefield bubble around him, taking a couple of platforms with him.

Once making it back up to the platform, he deactivates his forcefield ready to snatch the battery and make a run for it back to Star Command. But instead of clasping it, his hand goes straight through, it's a hologram!

"So we meet again Buzz Lightyear, for the last time!" Zurg rises from a platform ready with his turbo blaster loaded.

Of course Buzz isn't going down without a fight "Not today Zurg!"

Zurg starts shooting ion blasters at him but Buzz dodges them using the miniature platforms from earlier, he ditches on at Zurg distracting him for a second to get to a better spot to aim at him. But just as Buzz was about to fire us laser at Zurg, He fired an ion blaster that quite literally blast Buzz's torso and upper body into dust leaving Zurg chuckling evilly.

Buzz is Love Buzz is 𝐿𝐼𝐹𝐸 (TBD)Where stories live. Discover now