ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 22 { ᑕᕼᖇIᔕTᗰᗩᔕ}🎄

783 33 14

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

Yesterday we made it safely to the new house and Andy didn't let Buzz, Woody or I out of his sight once which means we haven't gotten to say hey to the toys.

He also cuddled all 3 of us last night while drifting to sleep, I think that's going to happen for at least another week.

I mean we were gone for a handful of days and then appeared out of no where.

"Now, don't move. I don't want to loose you 3 again" Andy places Woody, Buzz on each side of me. He starts on my left, tucking Woody's legs under the quilt cover of his temporary sleeping bag, then mine and lastly Buzz's on my right. "You guys are too good at hide and seek!"

'Who does this boy think he is melting my heart, well that is if I had one...'

And with that Andy left the room and closed the door behind him, but not before looking at us one last time. As soon as we got to the new house yesterday Andy has been helping his Mom unpack. He's really taken on the role of helping his Mom out because he has no father in his life, I'm not to sure where he went or if he was even there in the first place.

I remember 1 night a month or so ago, when The house was put up for sale Andy's mom broke down while tucking Andy into bed. Andy was right there for her giving her a huge hug, handing her tissues and the sweetest part was when he wiped her tears for her.

He's a good kid.

"It's official, we made it!" Woody finally breaks his character and flings his arms up relaxing into the pillow as if he's been holding his breath.

"It almost doesn't feel real..." I say almost in disbelief as a bunch of toy come up to us 3 tacking up with hugs, questions and comments.

"We're so sorry!"

It's so odd seeing everyone again.

"I can't believe it"

It's like it's been years.

"I feel so guilty, please forgive me!"

Who do I listen to first.

"I'm so glad your back!"

I'm still in a state of shock.

"I thought I'd never see you again!"

I never thought in a million years.

"I can't believe that you made it"

That I would be thrown out of a window.

"Are you ok?"

Be lost at a gas station with a cowboy and a spacer ranger who can't stand each other.

"What was it like at Sid's house?"

End up a crazy kids house, escape and survive after almost being blown up rocket.

"Who took Buzz's arm off?"

And for this to end with amends and no one dead.

"How did Sid get you, how'd you escape!"

But I'm so glad that we are back.

"How's you even get lost!"

Safe and sound.

"Oh Y/n! Your back! I'm so sorry that I didn't hel-" Bo pushes through the crowd to me and hugs me tightly. I'm surprised she didn't go to Woody first...

She so flustered. I don't think I've ever seen her like this, well other than when Andy's playing.

I cut her off "hey, don't be sorry because it's ok. we're here now. We're alive, We're fine."

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