ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 52 {Oᑌᖇ ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕᕼIᑭ}🚂

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How are we starting Toy Story 3 already?

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

It's a flaming hot day, the sun is beaming down and the heatwaves a visible against the dry ground. The train is pushing alone, moving quickly as a hole is blown through a central carriage car. Watching from the end of the train we see a bag of money being thrown through the freshly made escape followed by the spud himself, Mr potato head- sorry...one eyed Bart .

Slowly approaching we watch as he holds a bag full of stolen cash in each hand, the spud chuckles an evilly and chucks a bag of coins in his back "Money, Money, Money!"

With a quick snap Woody whips the lasso, snatching a bag resulting in a "Hey!" From the spud, the bag not yet inside his back pocket, and again wrapping around his foot the second crack tripping him to the ground with a groan. Shielding my face from the sun with my hand, the sheriff and I slowly walk towards the thief. Boots heavy against the trains roof, his hat shielding his face, mysterious and powerful as he reels up the used lasso before handing it to me. Woody places his foot on the Potato's... torso... leaning against the raised knee, planting him from getting up.

Chucking the lasso over my shoulder letting it drape around my figure while my hand rests on Woody's shoulder as 'reveals himself' to the 'jail spud'. "You've got a date with justice, One Eyed Bart." Woody says sternly.

Shaking his dazed state the spud smiles, a sickening one "Too bad, Sheriff! I'm a married man." A cry is heard from the carriage's opening at another potato figure jumps out. I feel Woody's body flinch as we both let out a panicked gasp.

"One eyed Betty!" I say shocked. With the hand still resting on his shoulder, I push Woody back behind me watching what she was about to do next. Whipping the nunchucks she holds in one hand and her hand bad in the other she's threatens us  with another scream. With a leap she plunges towards us. With a yank on my waist, Woody forces me to retreat with him. Together to dodge the wife's attacks. She throws her weapons around wildly, a swing coming close to hitting us before ducking and moving backwards again.

Growing closer and closer to the back of the train. Becoming parkour pros, to get over the gap between the train carriages, and to gain more speed to get away from the fast approaching spud, we started performing a little tumbling and backwards layouts before reaching the edge of the last carriage.

Balancing dangerous on the edge, we watch in horror as Betty takes on last swing of her purse knocking us off the edge with one last cry. To our rescue, as we fly of the train, and just clutch onto Bullseye back, Woody in front of myself.

The 2 potato's peer of the edge, their faces dropping at the sight of us. With a smirk to her tone Jessie (who's riding Bullseye) looks up at the criminal pair "I think you dropped something, mister!"

"Jessie?!" Bart comment with disbelief.

Looking over Jessie's shoulder, Woody shouts up at their pair "Give it up, Bart! You've reached the end of the line!"

Whipping out a remote of some sorts he motions to the old bridge the train is soon to cross "I always wanted to go out with a bang!"

We look over at it confused, what ever is there is too far away to see with the naked eye. Looking back at the spud he hits the button and the bridge instantly blows up.

"Oh, no!" Jessie cries out seeing the scene quickly turning sour. The train is growing closer to the now death pit quickly

"The orphans!" Woody panics clutching his hat, the orphans watch on through the windows at the scene of us at the end of the train.

"You sick bastards!" I direct at the pair, venom dripping from my voice.

The potato heads simply smile down at us "Hate to leave early, but our ride is here". The 3 of us look behind at the sound of a car horn is heard in the distance and pink convertible skids into view. A pink convertible, of course.

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