ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 67 { ᒍᑌᔕT ᑭᑌᔕᕼ IT!}🚨

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It's getting real now 🫢

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

I feel a jerk of movement underneath me and a gasp filling their lungs with fresh air. I jolt back to look at Buzz clicking back into gear. I watch wide eyed at the sight of what I thought was a gone space ranger look around, observing what's happening. He looks back at us with the same shocked and confused expression and I wait to see what he will do next.

The silence is loud as he take a few sniffs of the disgusting atmosphere around us.

"That wasn't me. Was it?" Buzz questions as his usual self, now speaking in English again.

I feel the worry drop from my shoulder and the excitement of having our Buzz back

Jessie cheers, dusting his cheek with kisses "Oh, Buzz, you're back!" I throw myself into Buzz and he stables us by wrapping his arms tightly around my back "you're okay, it's all okay and, you're back!" I hug him so, so tight, I really thought we had lost him there for a moment, but all of that worry was for nothing, it ended up returning him to his true state. I plant my lips on his cheek and let them linger as I give him the biggest and most relieved kiss I can possibly muster for him. 

"Yes... I'm back. Where have I been?" Buzz lays there mind boggled, his arms still wrapped around myself.

"Beyond infinity, space ranger." Woody bends down and places a kind hand on his shoulder to match the eased smile on his face.

"Woody!" Buzz smiles, recognising his friend "So, where are we now?" Buzz questions further. Hmm, funny that. I wonder guess deep down Buzz really wasn't aware of what he was forced to do back at the daycare. At least I can rest knowing he wasn't trapped within his mind.

"In a garbage truck on the way to the dump!" Rex pipes up, a little bit too enthusiastically. The look on Buzz's face brings me back to reality. We have to get out of here. As if right on que, the truck jolts and the trailer begins to raise, pouring all the rubbish and us out.

"Hold on, we're going in!"

We all yell as the drop down, the ride rough. As I'm collecting myself I see Woody stand up and look at the surrounding area. It's just rubbish for miles. It's awful, horrendous, I just hope it's not our doom. So many toys must have lost their lives getting lost in here, much like I almost did back in the truck.

I help a slightly dazed Buzz up, he seems quite lost as to how we managed to get ourselves here. Right now there's no time to explain, I don't know if I'd even want to be the one to explain how Buzz's mind was overturned and he was hurting us. I don't want him to feel that burden over him.

"You got all your pieces?" The potato heads were distracted, as their 'kids' run off in a different direction.

"The claw!" A truck with a huge shovel swoops by, taking them with it as they just innocently started wandering around.

"My babies!!" Mrs potato head screeches with fear and the look on her face tore me apart. Seeing her watch her children walk into their doom with no one to even think of helping before they are gone is horrific. Not to mention a mother truck creeping up behind us, it's lights blaring into our backs. Before the horror of watching the aliens being swept away could settle, the rest of us we pushes by an identical truck. It was like being chased by a monster. Screaming and panic coming from almost everyone verbally. We're pushed down onto a conveyor belt carrying a thick layer of trash and debris that has no longer got a purpose. Once we were stationary on the belt we gather ourselves for what felt like the sixth time tonight Mrs Potato head calls out. "Woody! What do we do?" What do we do? How are we going to get out of here? We didn't plan for this, we did everything in our power to avoid this. The converyer belt moves briskly as Woody

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