ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 61 {ᗷᑌᔕTIᑎG OᑌT TOᑎIGᕼT} 🌙

498 25 5

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

The bell rings, signalling the temporary end of my pain. I sit up, finding myself lodged in between an open book, ditched one the floor. What fun. At least I'm more injured this time. Looking around, my friends groan in pain on the floor, looking sharply over at the playhouse and I see a head pop out "pst guys"

"Woody?" Jessie questions almost as if she's hallucinating

"Woody!" Rex laughs dashing over with some of the guys

Jumping up I hobble my way quickly over to the baskets, where I left Woody's hat for safe keeping, a limp in my step back towards the play castle.

"Woody!" Jessie cheers, a huge smile gracing her tired face. Racing into the dimly lit play castle where Woody stands, the guys run up, encapsulating Woody in a hug.

"Hey, hey, hey, buddy!"

"Thank goodness!"

"You're alive!"

"Of course I'm alive!" Woody chuckles laying eyes on me. Finally standing face to face with Woody again, although it had only been a day it felt like a life time being away from him. "Y/n, what happened? Who did this to you?" He questions, watching me take a few more steps closer.

Brushing the worried emotion to the side for the moment I lift Woody's hat, placing it on his head "that's a long story." I don't want that to be the topic, him returning is much more important.

Reading my expression he catches on "Hey, my hat! Wait, where's Buzz?" He looks around nervously.

"Lotso did something to him!" Rex replies to the worried cowboy.

"He thinks he's a real space ranger again." Slinky follows his comment, explain his behaviour.

"Oh, no." Woody sighs.

"Oh, yes. Return of the Astro-nut." Hamm jokes.

"Oh Woody, we were wrong to leave Andy. I, I was wrong." Jessie steps up, her fingers running through the end of her braid nervously.

"Jessie's right, Woody. She was wrong." Mr Potato Head says with good intentions but with bad execution.

Woody stops the conversation, correcting them "No, no, it's all my fault for leaving you guys. From now on, we stick together." He finishes motioning to all of us in our little group.

"But Andy's leaving for college." Slink brings up the very important point.

"College! Hogtie the mailman! We gotta get you both home before Andy leaves tomorrow!" Jessie gasps panicked.

"Tomorrow? But that means....." Hamm ponders our timeline allowed.

Woody stops him in his thoughtful tracks "It means we're busting out of here! Tonight!" Woody seems excited to get everyone out of here.

"You're nuts, we can't do that" I look up at him, trying to get my head around how he believes this is possible.

Mrs Potato Head waves him off "What? Impossible!"

Rex wails "But There's no way out of here!"

Woody walks backwards towards the window, pulling the curtain to the side exposing the yard. On the far side a wired off area. "One way." We all look out into the playground yard, a fenced off area sits in the distance.

"Okay, now here's what we're gonna do." We huddle together, listening to the plan. We learn our groups, when we spit and reunite during the escape and what our tasks are. "Then it's across the bins and back to Andy's" Woody finishes, the guys smile at the sound of the plan.

"Are you sure about this, because if this fails we're gonna cop' a huge punishment" I comment, expressing my nerves.

"I'm positive, don't you worry Y/n" Woody places a hand on my shoulder. The bell rings, loud children lining up outside the door.

"It's the last one guys we can get through this" Jessie sighs, as everyone groans, including myself. Everyone drags their feet back into the open room, I follow behind, though I don't make it far. Woody stops me, a hand firmly on my shoulder allowing no room to retort.

Looking back at the cowboy his face is filled worry.

"What's with the limp?"

"I need to go out there Woody, there's eyes on me constantly, I don't want to get in trouble for skipping a 'play time'" I look up at him, my hands resting on the sore hip, trying to fix the discomfort with sight pressure.

Shaking his head Woody debates with my thoughts "not in your state you aren't going out there, you won't make it out here in good condition." Woody's hands rest on my biceps, holding on with a gentle squeeze as he asks "who did this to you?"

"It, well ok, I- can we sit down?...please" Wordlessly, Woody leads me to lean against a toy oven, sliding down, I lift my bad hip up to prevent any further and unneeded pain. "It happened yesterday, the kids were too rough and somehow popped my hip out of it's socket" I begin, Woody nods taking in the information. "Buzz pushed it back in and all was well until Buzz and I went to speak with Lotso about moving everyone to the butterfly room. It was there he showed his true colours and forced me into silence by injuring my hip more. I was just trying to protect Buzz, but I couldn't. They won Buzz over, I couldn't defend for him and now it's hurting all out friends." I look down ashamed, Woody was right, this was a horrible decision to come here, I should have tried harder to convince my friends to leave.

"What did they do to you?" Woody asks, in search of more information.

"Physically or verbally?" I corner in the question, sighing as I start thinking I've the past 24 hours events.

"Physically or verbally? What- what's worse?" Woody's eyes widen, as though his fear rose in just a second, realising this may be worse than what he first imagined.

Replaying the events of last night that I can remember through my head quickly, Woody waits patiently as I breath out a "ok" preparing myself. "Last night, we saw a couple of Lotso's I guess you could say 'gang members' walking around the halls, so we followed them to their little gambling night, where they were discussing us." Woody looks at me listening closely to what I have to say. "Buzz came up, they said he'd be useful to their dirty work, and then my name came up and they were talking about us like we were just nothing- it all make me so uncomfortable." An unpleasant shiver goes up my spine, just thinking about those comments. Moving to my next point I say "and then we were caught and Lotso refused to move our friends to the butterfly room, punishing us for Buzz not being selfish and they switched Buzz,.I'm not sure how but watching was excruciating. And then Lotso tried to convince me to join him, as if I would after everything he's done to both our friends and me. Then when I disagreed, he proceeded to belt is stupid little walking cane against my hip, hurting me more trying to convince me, before knocking me out" I finish quickly, running out I breath. Shooting a sharp breath in, i hadn't realised I had used up towards the end of my little rant.

Woody looks at me speechless, his eyes hold great sadness for me, which provokes mine. I feel that for a long time now, even before we arrived here at Sunnyside, I've shut my emotions away. Feeling the need to be strong for others, but here I'm realising how intense these boxed up feelings are. I just want my Buzz back to give him the biggest hug. The situation sink into my skin, my heart dropping as my auto pilot is switched off. A sob leaves my lips, my hand covering my mouth trying to stay quiet, the yells and squeals in the distance really set the horrid scene.

Woody pulls me towards him and hugs me tightly, he's reading though me and it's almost like he's read my mind. "I'm so sorry my deputy, I promise we will get Buzz back and leave here by the end of the night."

Please feel free to vote and comment as it really helps out my book! 🖍️

Words: 1370

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