ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 65 {TᕼE TᖇᑌᑕK} 💙

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Together as a group we run to the trash chute, Woody leading the way. While Buzz and I approach with our arms linked, we watch Woody jump around attempting to reach the handle of the chute, yet failing unfortunately. Slightly out of breath Woody pats his chest is hung Buzz to help "Come on, Buzz. Give me a lift."

But instead of assisting the cowboy Buzz pushes shrugs off his hand and steps forward while unlinking our arms. Before dropping my hand the hypnotised space ranger delicately pecks the backside of my hand and puffs his chest out.
With his proud stance and a crack of his knuckles Buzz clicks a button on his chest, confidently smirking at me "¡Buzz Lightyear al rescate!" I can't help but feel bashful under his watch. Whipping himself around an upright broom, he flings himself upwards and grabs onto the hatch, hooking his feet under and letting it fall open. "Abierto."

"Oh, way to go, Buzz" Woody cheers him on quietly, we have made it this far we are not ending back up in that room "come on."

Helping each other up, we gather standing closely together looking down at our exit ahead of us. "Is it safe?" Jessie questions, the bins lid open leading to a pit of bagged rubbish.

"I guess I'll find out." Woody sits into his knees, keeping his weight low and preparing to slowly shuffle his way down. Loosing his footing very quickly Woody slips down stopping only just short of the drop down onto the large bin.

"Woody? Are you okay?" I call out to him not seeing him anymore.

"Yeah, Come on down. But not all at once." He replies, the last part slightly muffled.

"What did he say?"

"I think he said all at once."

"No. No. No, no, no, no, no!" Woody starts to panic, his pit stretched arms and nervous face meets us to late, we've all slide down together.


"Look out!"

We all fall in a clump to the bottom, Woody his pushed off balance, dangerously struggling over the edge of the chute. Grabbing his vest Jessie yank him back, flush to my left side, safe. It's a tight squeeze with everyone down here.

Woody let's put a breath "thanks Jess", his balance now restored as he turns to face our next challenge.

Buzz pushes his way to the front of the chute looking around dramatically "¿Dónde está mi nave?"

"What's wrong Buzz?" I question the confused space ranger who just seems to look around as if searching for something. No one else seems to listen to him though.

"Almost there, guys." Woody reassures us, his
voice low "Slink, you think you can make it?".

"Well, I might be old, but I still got a spring in my step" Woody, Jessie, Buzz and I move for Slinky who starts preparing to runs and jump. With a small wag of his tail he pushes his front half of his body across the bins opening, grabbing onto the other end successfully after a few paws.

Rex cheers behind us "He did it!"

"All right, Slinky-kins." Hamm too cheers him on.

Slinky calls over to us "Okay, climb across." A large thump cuts Slinky's sentence short. It was going to well wasn't it. Slink along with the rest of us look to see the Lotso's towering over slinky.

"You lost little doggie?" An evil smirk pulling over his old, matted face. With a shove of Lotso's foot Slink let's put a gasp as he's pushed off of the opposing side of the trash bin and swings low into the bin. As Woody and I Collect Slink's coils, and pull him back to safety, we all watch in horror and Lotso's gang quickly starts to appear. "Well, well. Look who's back" his declares leaning on his cane.

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