What Would The Guys Do For Halloween?🎃

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David: terrorize the neighborhood!😈 he will purposely scare kids and teens that walk the streets at night, who believe that they're the fearless type. David will quickly make them run back home in a panic.

Dwayne: he'll leave out some candy for the kids at the boardwalk, and for fun, he'll tell them scary stories.

Paul: he will steal candy from other people, only to turn around and scare the crap out of them with his vampire form. Hey, it's Halloween, the secret is still safe!

Marko: he'll trick or treat, and change into multiple different costumes and go back to the same houses and get more candy.

Michael: too old for trick or treating, so instead, he'll just sit at home and watch a couple of thrillers, and if need be, he'll answer the door to trick or treaters.

Sam: he will absolutely go trick or treating! He'll dress up in his most colorful outfits, and go into some haunted houses for fun.

Edgar: he'll go vampire hunting, but he MIGHT get some kids wearing vampire costumes mixed up for REAL vampires, only leading to embarrassment on his end.

Alan: he'll go vampire hunting with his brother, and whenever he can, swipe some candy off a porch.

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