Imagine 3: Long Lost Friend🖤 (Lost Boys) Pt. 1

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Pairing: Ted x Marko x Lost Boys

Summary: *10 years after Ted left for Military in Alaska, he's finally able to break away from serving and go be himself. Now, 29, his first step is to find his best friend Bill. he the Bill that he knew when he left all those years ago?*

*Ted's POV*

"What do you mean missing? How could he be missing?!"
I remember yelling at Mr. and Mrs. Esquire, furious as my fist pounded on there table.
They were unable to tell me anything, only that Bill went for a bike ride and never came back after I left.
Such bullshit.
They didn't even bother to try and look for him themselves, and the police BARELY searched.
So in the end, after realizing its been ten years since then, I calm down and decided to go to Santa Carla.
Its my first week without being under the military's control.
I step off the bus, take a breath in as I look at the boardwalk.
Santa Carla.
Its been forever since I've been here.
Me and Bill used to drive our bikes here from San Dimas.
We'd always run through the boardwalk, go on all the rides, and try not to puke in the corner.
Man...nothing has changed here.
I walk further into the boardwalk, looking around at everyone, before my eyes fall on the cotton candy machine.
I sigh, remembering that time Bill dared me to a eating-as-much-cotton-candy-as-you-can challenge.
Well...I won, but paid the price for it.
We both did.
I walk pass the comic book shop, hmm, that's new.
My eyes glance around, not realizing that I'm standing in someone's way.
Someone pushes me.
"Oof! Hey-" I trail off, seeing a platinum blond man look at me with glaring eyes.
"S-sorry," I stutter, feeling like a 17 year old again getting locked in my locker by the jocks.
He eyes me up and down before walking away, with a Native American man trailing behind him.
Trailing behind the native is a wanna be Twisted Sister guy with blond hair, but the one following him makes my eyes widen.
He looks younger then the others, his hair blond and curly as it runs down his back, with his hands in his jackets pockets.
His jacket...covered in patches, look so familiar.
I gasp.
Its THAT jacket!
Bills jacket!!!
The four of them group up ahead of me, the youngest leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
I can see his face.
This isn't just a guy wearing Bills jacket.
This IS Bill!
He has the same hair, eyes, face-shape, and smile...
All along, he's been in Santa Carla?
But... How did nobody know about it?
The other three walk off, and Bill goes towards the carousel.
I instantly run to him, approaching him from behind.
He doesn't even react.
I reach my hand out. "Bill!"
I touch his shoulder, before he flips around to face me.
There is no doubt about it, this is Bill.
He stares at me with a furrowed brow, but that's probably because I'm a mess of smiles and laughter.
"I can't believe its you!" I hug him, and he pushes me off.
"Who the fuck are you?!" He snaps at me in a threatening manner.
Does he not recognize me?
Well, its been ten years since we've seen each other.
"Bill its me, its Ted!" I smile.
Suddenly, his eyes widen, before a bright smile lights his face up and he hugs me tight, laughing in joy.
"Oh my god! Ted!" We break away to look at each other up and down. "Dude! Its REALLY you!"
"I know!" I laugh, "god Bill, how have you been?! What happened to you? Why did you move to Santa Carla?! And how the hell do you look so young still?!" I point out. Literally, he looks like he does when he was 19...
His smile fades away, replaced with an expression of worry.
"Bill?" I ask, before he takes a step back.
"I'm not...Bill, anymore," he says.
I furrow my brow. "What do you mean?" I ask.
He stares at me for a moment, until sighing and running a hand through his hair.
"My names not Bill anymore," he says, "my name is Marko."

Too be continued...

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