Imagine 14: How You Met🖤 (David) Pt. 2

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pairing: Y/N x David

Summary: *Y/N breaks down in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere in Santa Carla. So, Y/N begins to hitch hike home, until a stranger pulls up beside her and offers a ride.*

*Y/N's POV*

Well, this is just FAN-DIDDILY-TASTIC!
After a seriously long shift at my job, my car breaks down on the way home.
In the dead of night, in the middle of nowhere, with no houses anywhere.
All that surrounds me, are trees.
I get out of my car, slam the door and swear before walking down the side the road, hands in my hoodie sweatshirt as I curse to myself.
I walk for about twenty minutes in the dark, until I hear the rev of a moterbike engine come up behind me.
Instinct has me turning and stepping further off to the side in case he can't see me, but when I'm in his headlight, he starts to slow.
Shit, he's gonna stop, isn't he?
I sigh annoyed, waving him on, but he doesn't listen.
He pulls up beside me, and I get a good look at his face.
He has platinum blond colored hair in a mullet style, wearing a long black coat with gloved hands.
He has a smirk on his face, one that screams seductive and dangerous.
I try my best to ignore him.
I've seen him around a few times at the boardwalk, with three others who follow him.
He's not good news this one. He's dangerous, frightening.
Luckily, I have pepper spray in my pocket in case he tries anything funny on me.
"Where you going, beautiful?" he asks, a sly tone to mask his smirking face.
I glare at him, and walk faster.
He follows. "Its dangerous to be walking out here alone, especially at this hour."
Still, I don't respond.
He speeds up a little faster. "Need a ride?"
"No thanks," I bite, "I'd appreciate it if you'd just keep driving."
He makes a tsk noise. "I can't just stand by while a beautiful woman walks these roads," he smirks.
Ugh, how I seriously want to smack it off his face.
I roll my eyes at him, stopping.
"You're not gonna leave me alone, are you?" I ask.
He shakes his head, a little grin on his face.
Hell, what have I got to lose?
I stomp over to his bike, and get on.
"You touch me, and you're gonna get hurt," I warn him.
He laughs. "She's feisty, I like that in a woman."
He begins to drive, speeding up faster and faster by the second.
I hang on tight in the back, until it gets the point where I have to wrap my arms around his waist.
He smirks over his shoulder. "Like what you feel?"
"Shut up," I warn, but deep down, I can't keep the blushes from coming.
Through the material of his clothes, he does have a strong waist, along with a tight stomach.
Damn, does he work out?
We drive for about thirty minutes, and soon, I have him pull off just about a few blocks away from my house.
I don't want him knowing where I live.
"Thanks," I get off.
He shrugs. "Don't mention it. If you're ever in need of a ride again, I'm your man."
I scoff, crossing my arms. "Yeah, I don't think so."
He chuckles, smiling softly.
My heart beat speeds up.
"I never got your name," he leans forward on his bike.
"Y/N," I say.
He nods. "Y/N," he repeats, testing my name out. "I like it."
"And yours?" I ask.
He smirks. "I'm David."
David huh...that's nice.
I smile a little. "Well, thanks again."
"Of course," he starts his bike, "I'll see you again, Y/N."
I almost tell him 'Don't count on it!' but he speeds off before I could.
In the end though, he was right.
I ended up seeing him again, two nights later...on the boardwalk.
And again, a week later...
and again, and again...
until at one point, it became a ritualistic thing.
Until at one point...I found myself always trying to find him whenever I went to the boardwalk.
It was those moments I knew...I fell for him.

thanks for reading!

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