How Do The Guys Relax?😌

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David: He'll go to the ceiling and hang, hands crossed over his chest. If anyone tries to bother him, he'll give them a warning growl to back off or else.

Dwayne: He'll sit in a quiet room and read a book, licking his finger to flip the pages as he quietly reads. It's his stress reliever and helps him relax.

Paul: He'll go to his corner of the cave, turn on some of his favorite music and smoke some of his secret stash until he hits that high that gets him SUPER relaxed.

Marko: He has two ways to relax.
1: He'll sew on some new patches on his jacket, or fix whatever needs to be fixed.
And 2: With a big takeout serving of Chinese food, he'll crash on the couch in front of the TV and watch the newest horror movies or the news.

Michael: He'll sit in his room, on his bed, hands behind his head as he closes his eyes in a sleeping way, but he's not actually sleeping, he's just dozing.

Sam: He'll read comics to unwind, to the point where he'll accidently fall asleep and drool all over his comic.

Edgar: He'll sharpen his wooden stakes. I know, weird way to relax huh? But sometimes you'll catch him laying stomach down on the couch, one arm dangling off the edge as he falls asleep.

Alan: He'll take a shower first, then he'll go to the couch (unless his brother has the couch) and sit down with a bowl of snacks and watch some comedy movies.

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