Imagine 22: Dead🥀 (Lost Boys)

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pairing: Y/N x Lost Boys

Summary: *One night, while Y/N is out with her vampires, Y/N gets staked to the heart by Michael Emerson. In a rage, the boys kill Michael, and mourn over the death of Y/N.*

requested by Lenise_crystal23

(forgive me, I've never seen the Halloween movies before, but I've tried writing it best I can)

*David's POV*

Me and the guys—along with Y/N—get off our bikes and run towards where we smell humans.
We climb a tree, and look down to see...
Young meat.
From the looks of it, a couple teenagers, along with a girl.
Hmm...there's five of them.
One for each of us.
I share a glance with my brothers and Y/N, and they nod, waiting for my call.
I hold three fingers up.
Our heads are on a swivel, only to see Michael Emerson stumbling his way up to us.
He looks like a mess. Guess he's been fighting the inner vampire trying to take over him.
I jump down along with the others. "What is it Michael?"
He approaches us, his hand buried under his coat.
Alert rises in me.
"I want you to change me back," he says.
I laugh. "You can't be changed back. You might as well stop fighting it," I glance behind me, "you can join the club now, actually."
Everyone around me laughs, except for Michael.
He's furious. "Change me back now!"
I chuckle, amused by his lack of common sense.
Suddenly, he pulls out a knife, grabbing Y/N by her hand and pulling her into his chest, knife to her neck.
"Y/N!" Dwayne shouts, but I hold him back. If anyone of us makes a wrong move, she'll be dead.
Michael looks like a lunatic right now, and Y/N is horrified.
"Let her go, now," I growl.
He only squeezes her tighter. "You took a piece of me away," he whispers, before raising the knife, "now I'm going to take a piece of you away!"
He stabs the knife right in Y/N's heart, and she screams, blood spewing out of her chest as Michael drops her to the ground and makes a run for it.
Dwayne falls to Y/N's side as she flays and spasms, but I, along with Paul and Marko, run after Michael.
"YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!" I scream, running as fast as I can, gaining on Michael.
He runs into a tree root and trips, which allows me and my brothers to run up on him.
I grab him by his throat, lifting him into the air with a blood curdling growl.
He tries to rip my hands away, but I'm too strong.
Soon, he screams when my teeth sink in his neck.
Now, we're all taking turns murdering him, slowly, painfully.
It doesn't take too long for his screams to quiet, and we toss his pathetic body into a fire.
I wipe the blood off my lips.
What a waste of time, trying to get him to become one of us...
Marko runs behind me, toward Y/N's lifeless body.
I run beside them, falling to my knees as cradle her body in my arms, crying softly.
We all cry, each of us taking turns kissing her hands and forehead, pleading at the sky to bring her back.
But its too late...
She's gone...
We all pick her up, and carry her back to the cave, where we then bury her in the sand, and lay down dead roses.

thanks for reading. 
Hope you like it

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