Imagine 21: Haunting Me😔 (David)

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pairing: Y/N x David

Summary: *Y/N was David's Mate. But one night, tragedy strikes, leading to Y/N's death, and David's mourning. Now, fast forward a year after Y/N's passing, David wakes from a dream*

*David's POV*

I feel a pair of soft hands gently running up my bare chest, waking me up from my slumber.
I open my eyes slowly, looking to my left to see Y/N, smiling softly at me.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"3:23 in the evening," she whispers, and I chuckle under my breath, stretching my arms. "Too early," I sigh, "wake me up when its 9:00."
She giggles, and it's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard...
Her hands run up my shoulder and down my arm before cuddling closer to my side, head on my chest. "I'm not sleepy," she says.
I can't help but smile. "And?"
She props up on one arm to look down at me.
"Let's do something fun tonight, just you and me."
"Like what?" I sit up.
She ponders this for a moment, before grinning. "How about a drive? A slow one, so we can enjoy the night?"
"I like the sound of that," I grin, "but for now, let's get some sleep."
She shakes her head. "Not tired."
Hmm...not tired, huh?
I smirk, rolling on top of her, and she giggles.
"You're so beautiful," I whisper as I stare down at my Mate.
She cups my face in her hand, smiling. "I love you."
"I love you too," I whisper, before I pull her into a deep kiss.


I wake with a gasp, eyes looking nowhere and everywhere at once.
I'm hanging upside down from the ceiling, panting in a fast manner.
It was just a dream...just a dream...
I look beside me, to see that the other three guys are still asleep.
Without hesitation, I jump down and go for my coat, leaving the cave. Its dark enough to go out. And honestly, I feel like if I stay here for another minute, I'll suffocate.


I drove to the train bridge, parked my bike, and began to walk slowly to the middle of the bridge, before I sit down and exhale deeply.
These dreams are becoming more consistently lately...its around that time of year.
Its been one year since the death of my Mate, Y/N.
I bring a hand to my head, shutting my eyes.
She was my entire world. She was what made everything seem real and easy.
We were going to be together forever...if it wasn't for that night...
Me and Y/N decided to go for a bike ride, just the two of us.
At one point, we decided to stop and sit on top of this hill that overlooks Santa Carla.
Tears spill from my eyes, and I bury my face in my hands.
Some drunk asshole a ways away from us started to shoot a gun, and one of the bullets hit Y/N in the stomach.
I still remember feeling her blood pour on my hands as I held her in my arms, sobbing her name as she was dying in my arms.
I raced as fast as I could to the nearest hospital, but she lost to much blood along the way.
She died that the hospital bed as my hand clutched hers.
I lower my hands, my tears falling from my face, down into the foggy abyss beneath me.
I was enraged. I wanted to find that person who shot Y/N and kill him, slowly, painfully.
But I was never able to find him...
Y/N's is buried in the Santa Carla cemetery, along with another little grave beside her.
I didn't find out until later, when the doctors told me.
Y/N was pregnant.
She never told me that she was pregnant, though, but I do remember noticing that she was always sick in the morning, and her stomach began to fill in and harden a little.
Which makes this pain worsen ten times more.
I always thought that I'd spend the rest of my immortal life with her beside me.
But now, I'm forced to walk this path alone.
Without Y/N, and without my son...
I stand up, clutching the only piece of Y/N I have left.
A blood red ring...
I squeeze it in my palm, holding it over my heart.
"It hurts so much. Please, please make it stop..."
Every passing day I feel like my heart is slowly dying without my Mate here...
Is that's what's really happening?
Do I even want to live anymore?
I glance towards the moon, knowing the guys are probably worried that I'm not home.
So, I exhale and walk towards my bikes.
Its so sad...before Y/N became my Mate, I always felt like I was the one haunting her, by always being near her wherever she went.
Now, its the opposite.
She is the one haunting me.

thanks for reading!
would anyone like a part two?

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