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Chapter Eight

When they got to the hotel they checked in and headed up the elevator to their room. Their rooms were next to each other with Kylie and Nukkie sharing a room with their kids.

Joshua used his key card to unlock the door as Jeyce, Quannie, and Kamari followed behind him. "It's pretty nice, right?" Joshua asked turning to Quannie as he looked around the hotel room.

"Of course, it is nice because Kylie booked it," Quannie answered.

Joshua chuckled. Once Kylie agreed to come to Indianapolis. She called Joshua and asked him about hotel rooms before telling him to cancel so she could book them at a better hotel with better rooms. She did a good job picking the hotel.

The bellboy set their luggage to the side and Joshua gave him a tip of twenty dollars while Quannie and Kamari explored the hotel room.

Joshua and Jeyce put the suitcases in the room as Quannie and Kamai walked in. "I need to use the restroom," Quannie said, hurrying to the bathroom.

Kamari took off her shoes climbed the king-size bed and started jumping up and down on it. Kamari giggled as Joshua and Jeyce joined her.

"Oh this is nice," Joshua said.

Once Quannie came out of the bathroom, Joshua was plopping himself onto the bed. "Okay, are we staying in for now or do you have something to do for work?" Quannie asked Joshua as she watched him turn on the TV.

"I do have to go to work out in a bit but for now come lay down with us," Joshua answered as Jeyce and Kamari snuggled up against him as he browsed through the channels.

Quannie got into bed and Kamari placed an arm on her stomach.

"Come closer, Mommy," Kamari said.

Quannie slides closer to Kamari.

"Warm sandwich," Kamari said.

Joshua chuckled.

"This little girl is too funny," Jeyce said.

Joshua finally settled on a movie channel. The Hallmark movie channel. Quannie snorted at his selection.

"Hallmark, really?" Quannie asked him.

"Hey, I'm in my fall girl era," Joshua answered.

"Boy, bye," Quannie said.

Later that afternoon, Quannie and the kids got bored so they decided to go bother Joshua at the hotel's gym. The only problem was that they couldn't find the hotel gym.

"Mommy," Kamari begged as they walked around the hotel, looking for Joshua.

"Kay, I'm trying my best to find him but it looks like he ran away," Quannie said.

"Who ran away?" Jon asked, walking up to them.

"JonJon," Kamari squealed running up to him.

Jon picked her up and hugged her.

"We're looking for Dad," Jeyce tells Jon.

Jon raised an eyebrow.

"Y'all know he's in the gym, right," Jon said.

Quannie pouts.

"Where is the gym?" Quannie asked him.

"Oh, y'all are lost. Why didn't you ask the front desk for help?" Jon replied as he started leading them to the gym.

Jeyce chuckled.

"Because Quannie gave the lady an attitude for saying Dad was fine," Jeyce tells Jon.

Jon chuckled.

"You are the jealous type," Jon said.

"No, I just found her to be rude. A pregnant woman comes up to the front desk and tells you that she is looking for her man and you tell her that he is a fine man like you must want to get beat up," Quannie explained.

"You were going to beat that lady up over Joshua," Jon said, smirking.

"Don't tell him, you know he already has a big head," Quannie said.

"You have a big head," Kamari said, defending Joshua.

Jon and Jeyce chuckled.

"You just switching up on me like that, Kay," Quannie said, pretending to be hurt.

Kamari shrugged as they entered the gym where a small portion of the roster was working out.

"Joshie!" Kamari squealed as she wiggled herself out of Jon's arms to go over to Joshua, who was talking to some Hispanic guy.

They follow Kamari over to Joshua.

Joshua stopped talking to the guy and turned to give Kamari all of his attention. Joshua picks up Kamari and introduces her to the guy.

"Hi, I'm Luis," Luis introduced himself to Kamari.

"Hello, Louie, I'm Kay," Kamari said.

Luis smiled.

"I see what you mean," Luis said.

"She's the boss, we're just living in her world," Joshua said.

"Hi," Jeyce said.

"Hey, Jeyce," Luis said, shaking the boy's hand.

"Hi, I'm Quannie," Quannie said, introducing herself.

"Kayla's sister, right?" Luis asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Quannie asked.

Luis chuckled.

"She talks about you and Nukkie a lot and is always showing me pictures of you guys," Luis answered.

"That's Momma Kayla for you, always gotta show off her cubs," Quannie said.

"She says the same thing too," Luis said.

"Oh uce, your girl almost beat up the front desk lady over you," Jon blurted out.

Quannie rolled her eyes.

"Nah, she was getting on my nerves. It wasn't about you," Quannie quickly told Joshua before he could make a smart remake.

"My brother has no reason to lie. It's okay, Quannie, you can defend your territory anytime," Joshua said with a wink.

Quannie groaned as Jon and Luis laughed.

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