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Chapter Twenty-Two

"Did you have fun tonight?" Joshua asked Quannie as he escorted her through the backyard.

"Yes," Quannie answered, wrapping her arm around his.

"The night isn't over yet," Joshua said.

Quannie raised an eyebrow. "What do you have planned?" Quannie asked him.

Quannie was taken aback when Joshua led her through the backyard instead of the front door, wondering what he had in store for the rest of their evening together.

As they entered the house from the patio, Quannie was met with a breathtaking display - rose petals blanketed the entrance and living room, surrounding elaborate floral archways and glittering candles that set a romantic mood.

She followed the trail of petals outside to find an enormous heart-shaped rose sculpture next to the pool, which was filled with more petals for a stunning visual effect.

"What's all this?" Quannie asked, awe-struck by the extravagant decorations Joshua had arranged to transform their home into a romantic wonderland.

It was clear he had spared no expense to create this special ambiance just for her. She could see the nervous anticipation in his smile as he watched her reaction closely, his palms slick with sweat.

They stood together under the floral archways as Joshua expressed how much she meant to him before dropping to one knee. "Will you marry me?" he asked, pulling out an exquisite 8-carat pear-shaped diamond ring set in a rose gold halo.

Quannie could barely contain her excitement and enthusiasm, exclaiming "Yes!" as Joshua calmly slid the ring onto her finger.

Overjoyed, she embraced him tightly, so thrilled by the proposal and overwhelmed by the love and care Joshua had shown in planning this unforgettable night.

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