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Chapter Sixteen

Joshua was at his parent's house when his phone rang. He looked down and saw Quannie's name. He answered the call, already panicking.

"What's wrong?" Joshua asked.

"My water broke," Quannie answered.

"Hunh?" Joshua asked, confused.

He thought they had more time.

"I'm headed to the hospital now with Nukkie, meet us there," Quannie said.

"Okay!" Joshua said.

"Okay," Quannie said and picked her up," Nukkie said as they to the hospital roo

"Well damn, maybe you should have passed by and picked her up," Nukkie said as they arrived at the hospital room, followed by the babies' doctor and her crew.

And then Quannie proceeded to go into labor for 30 hours —so long that Quannie and the babies were in danger.

The doctor had to do an emergency C-section because the umbilical cord had become tied around one of the babies' ankles, and around the neck of the other, and Quannie was losing blood.

It's all kinds of rough. But it was fast, and suddenly the doctor was holding them up for their wide-eyed gaze.

The room was festive almost, with people saying over and over, "Congratulations." Just as quickly, the doctor placed them on a little exam table and asked for their names.

Joshua looks at Quannie and Quannie nods. Joshua smiled. "Kadijah Edlyn and Kaiya Eden Fatu," Joshua answered, his voice choked.

"Welcome to the world, Kadijah and Kaiya," The doctor said.

The girls had arrived three months before their due date and were born, weighing only 2 pounds, 8 ounces, and 1 pound, 14 ounces. Their diapers were smaller than a dollar bill.

The nurses took the twins to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) with Joshua while the doctor worked on Quannie.

Solofa, Talisua, and Nukkie all reassembled in the hospital room, waiting for them. Quannie was brought into the room, Nukkie and Talisua were crying, and Quannie was a mess.

Quannie's pregnancy was complicated early on, starting with a subchorionic hemorrhage at 8 weeks, followed by more bleeding around 17 weeks. It was scary, but she wasn't worried. The babies had survived the birth.

Then the door opened and Joshua walked in and told everyone that the babies would have to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for a few weeks as their vitals were stable.

Four hours after Quannie gave birth, Joshua hopped on a plane for Monday night's episode of Raw at MVP Arena in Albany, New York when he was challenging Colby for the world heavyweight championship.

From the hospital bed, Quannie watched Colby beat Joshua in a tremendous main event.

Colby managed to outlast a game Joshua to retain his world heavyweight championship but Drew attacked as soon as the match was over, taking out both men.

"Man, if he was going to lose then he should have skipped it and stayed with you and the babies," Nukkie said.

Quannie was annoyed that her sister was being so mean to Joshua for going to do his job. She knew her sister was upset because he lost but she didn't have to say it like that. Quannie knew Joshua had felt so guilty for leaving her and their babies so soon but he had a job to do and Quannie had given birth way earlier than they had expected her to.

Quannie pursed her lips. "Hey, leave him alone, he already feels bad as it is so don't make him feel worse about it because this was a surprise arrival for us," Quannie told Nukkie.

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