758 9 7

15th of August 2009

The tv screen lightened the dark room I was crawled up in, wondering in my thoughts as I watch my mother pace around the room with her loudly spitting at someone on the phone.

My father died two months ago by a bomb, or so I was told, my mother hasn't been the same since.

I watch as she panics, hurriedly packing up a large bag, full of my favorite clothes and toys.
The room went dark which caused me to jump into my mums arms, she scoops me quickly, bouncing out of the door.

I remember walking for hours. Never said a word, I couldn't speak as I was too young to remember much.

We approach a large building, ten times the size of my houses shack. My mother pants, pushing through the crowd with my legs wrapped around her waist like a koala.

As I rested my head against her chest, I could hear her heart going ten to a dozen, feeling her sweat stick to her clothes.

She quickly put a mask over my mouth, protecting me from the debris and sticky heat that was rooming in the air, that made me cough.

As my mother pushes through people, we approach a gate with men that has toxic gas masks on and guard dogs barking at the crowd.

Everything was moving in slo motion, my mother drops me to my feet as we reach the front, her calloused hands, which had been working too much grasped onto mine as she looks me in the eyes a repeats the words in a raspy tone , "I love you baby, remember that."

I stare at her in blankness, not understanding. My body shifts as I'm thrown into the arms of a stranger. My arm swings out to my mother but I miss. I take one last look of her crying face, trying to soak in her.

I'm sitting on a metal bench on a moving train, surrounded by men with guns and other children around me. I couldn't hear anything, the shock and confusion of what is happening to me hits.

One of the men look at me with a cocked eyebrow before looking away. I feel a cold metal necklace wrap around my neck, making me look back to see a woman in uniform, I've never seen her before. She gives me a friendly smile and whispers in my ear, "This is from your mother."

One of the men who cocked his eye at me notices this and says, "What is that? Is that appropriate for the mission?"

Her jaw clenched, moving her hand to mine, "I know this little girl and I know her mother, I plan to keep this girl safe and this is all left of her, I have to give it to her."

He backs off, adjusting his shoulders to leer at the other children.

The woman then whispers in my ear something I'd never forget, "When you've awoken your unconscious mind, you'll see what the truth is."

My brows furrowed, I turn back to her and she's gone, like a moth to a flame.
As a kid, you don't remember stuff like this, barely even words. But that quote stayed with me forever.

Once we've arrived we all sat in a light room, it looked like a hospital. We all had a change of clothes and had to wear these badges with numbers on them, mine said 'A10'.

A woman with blonde hair strolls up to me with a soothing smile, she puts a clipboard with a white sheet of paper next to me, pointing at my badge, "That's your subject number, every little girl and boy gets them."

My eyes wonder the room, I lock eyes with subject 'A7', who I didn't know yet but would be the best friend I'd ever have.

I spoke in a assertive tone, "What's your name?"

His eyes light up as soon as I spoke, almost like he hadn't had a talk with anybody in a while, "Minho, what's yours?"

I smile sweetly, "Y/n. My mama left me here, what about yo—"

I was interrupted by a loud intercom of a dark voice conveys, "Will subject A10 and doctor to room 2. I repeat will subject A10 and doctor to room 2 please."

I take one last look at Minho before I'm quickly wheeled off through the double doors, I couldn't move, I was almost chained to the needles piercing through my skin. My body was aching, but I was more intrigued of where I was heading to.

After a short walk, I enter a room, seeing another blonde woman in a white coat jacket towering above me, "Evening, Y/n."

I look over to a little boy, around the same age of me, in a tube of water. I gasp softly.
"No need to panic." She responds.
"It's only temporary."

I whimper, my eyes start to water, I cry out, "I don't wanna die. I wanna go home. I miss my mama."

She pets my head, trying to soothe me, "Your mama doesn't want you anymore. You're safe here, we just want to do some tests, that's all."

The rooms starts to spin and my eyes blur until I completely black out.

She sighs heavily, "Get her in the pod with the mask, she's completed the task at hand."

The doctor complies, standing me up and sliding me into the tube, it quickly filled up with water. I wasn't conscious or even self aware.

Minho exhales shakily, looking over to his left and seeing another young child, "Do you think she'll be ok?"

His brows furrow, looking down at his cords, "I don't know." Subject A9 responded.

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