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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping, I had probably been out for hours, I was so exhausted, Gally was nowhere near me, nor was Minho.

Groaning, I rub my eyes adjusting to light before swinging my feet onto the ground. I open to door from my hut, smelling breakfast sizzling.

Gally locks eyes with him, he smiles, slowly jogging up to me, "This place is incredible. It's so orderly designed, everyone is so nice to each other, it's terrifying."

I smile softly, walking with Gally towards a large wooden table.

Lizzie smirks at me, sliding me a plate, "Morning, y/n. Didn't know what you liked, so I hope you like it."

I look down at the plate. The dish looked incredible.

"These cookies are amazing—"

My heart jump, hearing a familiar voice, I look up to see Chuck coming out of the kitchen, stuffing his face, "Chuck!"

I laugh, jumping out from my seat and running up to him, giving him a really big hug, "Still on those cookies I see." My brow furrows sarcastically.

"Shut up." He mumbles, almost spitting out his food.

I join Gally back at the table, munching down on my food. This felt so right. Everyone was chatting amongst each other, like family.

I miss the old glade so much. I miss my family.

Gally rests his hand on my thigh as I start shaking my leg up and down. I sigh, pushing his hand away, his eyes look towards me in confusion.

He whispers in my ear, "What's wrong?"

I just shake my head and carry on feeding myself.

Minho laughs, "I think you need a bib, y/n."

"Fuck off." I hold up my middle finger to him.

Riley drops her cutlery, "What job do you think you'd want, y/n?"

I smirk, looking at Minho. He frowns. My brows furrowed, immediately knowing that no one goes into the maze.

"You guys don't go into the maze?" I turn back to Riley. Everyone went quiet.

"No. No one goes into the maze, no matter what. We ain't risking what we have." Lizzie interrupts.

I scoff, flicking the inside of my mouth, folding my arms and leaning back on the chair, "That's bullshit. How else do you think you're gonna get out of here?!"

One of the random girls spits over the silence, "You're not special y/n."

I lean forward, "I'm sorry, who are you?!"

Gally holds his hand up in front of me, "Alright. That's enough. You can do building with me y/n."

My eyes narrow, "Gally. You know I can't do that for shit."

"Yeah. But I know you're strong and creative. You're y/n, I ain't underestimating you." His jaw clenched.

Exhaling slowly, I stand up, "Lower your standards, Gally."

I walk with Gally towards the builders place, there was atleast 10 girls there, watching us walk over to them.
"You ready for this?" He nudges my shoulder. I hum in return.

After almost back breaking work, I managed to throw Gally 10 fat logs of wood, "I can't do this anymore."

"Come on smokers lungs, put your ass into it." He chuckles, sweat dripping from his forehead.

I scoff, pushing my hair back, "You'd be lucky if you get any from me right now."

He laughs, cheering me on to carry on. I turn my back to retrieve another log, when I see a short blonde approach him in my peripheral vision.

I know how girls think and act and when they see a sweaty 6'ft man doing dirty lifting, especially with his girlfriend away, they will pounce like a pack of wolves.

I carry on with my job, seeing on how he would react. He completely ignores them, which makes me giggle.

I turn around, immediately seeing her hands trying to touch his chest, I click my mouth, strolling my way towards her.

"Touch him one more time and I'm dropping a log on your scruffy bitch face." I spoke with a smile on my face.

Her brow raises, "No hablo ingles."

I chuckle loudly, "Get the fuck out, go play with yourself you demented cow." I kick her shin, she yells loudly, dramatically, which causes attention to herself.

Exhaling loudly, "God, your so dramatic. I barely touched you."

Gally looks at me smiling, telling the girls to get back to work and the blonde skank to go get med.

I turn my back, Gally's hands creep around my waist, pulling me backwards, whispering in my ear, "Save that language for tonight."

I scoff, whispering back, "Got a kink for that, do ya? You'd be so lucky."

Not even eye contact, I retreat away from him, feeling his eyes wander my body like snakes and ladders.

Finally, we manage to finish the job, I'm covered in dirt and sweat, "This is disgusting." I gag, approaching Minho.

He laughs at me.

I stare at him in anger, "Yeah. What have you been doing the whole day?!"

"I've been working out all day." Minho shrugs, folding his arms.

My mouth hangs open like a hanger in disbelief, "You are taking the absolute piss. I've been busting my ass while I could've been running around the glade with you?!"

He hides his giggles within his hands, "You need a shower you reek."

I hold up my middle finger. Lizzie points me to the shower rooms, I hurriedly jog over to it, locking the door and making sure no one can walk in on me.

I remove my clothes, turning the water on, surprisingly this shower was clean, "Wow." I gasp.

As soon as I let the water hit my body, I feel euphoric.

My head immediately turns to the door as soon as I hear it open aggressively, "Someone's in her—"

I'm now face to face with Gally staring me down.

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