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(Gally's pov)

The sun beams on over my face, my eyelids flutter opening, I try to reach over my arm to find y/n, but she's not asleep.

I get out of bed to get dressed. The sun glowed against a piece of paper, my brows furrowed as I picked it up.

Dear Gally,

I would like you say thank you, but I don't really want to say that in this.

All I'll say is goodbye, you've given me something that I can't return and for that I'll be in your debt forever.

As you read this, I'm expecting myself to have jumped off over the highest maze walls, don't go looking for me. You won't be able to find me.

Feel free to read my diary, it's for you and only.

I'm sorry for not saying goodbye in person but I couldn't and I hope you'll forgive me one day.

I love you Gally.

Yours truly, y/n.

My hands shaked as I dropped the letter, sprinting out of the door, to the maze entrance, "GALLY!" Minho screams, trying to get me to stop.

I fall to my knees, my hands dangle in defeat and despair.

My whole life has just vanished from me. I break down in tears. Why did she do this to herself?!

Two hours go by after people console each other and a search party was sent out into the maze.
I managed to gather myself out of bed and walk over to our desk to get the diary.

I start flicking through the pages.

My heart shatters, seeing how much pain she was in and what happened to our baby. I killed our baby.

I break down in tears, almost screaming. I never got to tell her I loved her or kiss her when she needed it, or even hug her.

She wrote about her past in detail, everything about me was positive, I'm guessing she didn't want me to have a bad rep if this got out.

I could feel a burning on my cheeks and stomach. I didn't know how much patronizing agony she was enduring.

I scroll and flick through the pages until the end, finding only one empty page.

Dear Diary,

My wife killed herself yesterday. She jumped off a tall wall head first.
I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling. I just want to write this for her to let her know that I can hear her.

I want to help her from heaven so I'm going to write in a diary for everyday for however long I must live without her.

Let me start.

I remember looking at your beautiful emerald eyes as you had a bullet sunk into your skin. You still smiled everytime even if you had the worst experience happening to you. You have been shot. Stabbed twice. Watched your best friend be stabbed by your fiance. Watched your young best buddy be shot by your fiance.

And yet.

You are the strongest person I've ever met.

And I wish.

Wish so much that you would've told me how unloved you felt.

I wish you nothing but freedom and happiness.

Yours truly, Gally.

UNLOVED (Gally x Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now