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That morning stretch is the best way to start the day. I stretch out and to my mind I don't feel Gally beside me, he's always there to wake me up.

I quickly get into my clothes, I put on a crop top and cargos with converse-like shoes and head out of the hut.

The air was weird.

Gally, Newt, Minho and everybody from our own Glade were sat in their own group, almost hiding away from the girls.

I approach them with a good morning, they don't respond, just stare at their feet, even Gally doesn't bat an eye.
My brow raises, I sit beside him, as he fiddles with the grass beneath him.

I sway myself softly, trying to get him attention and when I don't I pout, "Gally? You ok?"

He takes a deep breath, nodding, not making eye contact, "All good."

I began to get annoyed that no one was talking to me, they looked like zombies, "What the fuck is going on?"

Minho leans over to me, whispering, "You don't remember it?"

I frown, "No?"

He goes back to silence, I turn back to Gally, touching his arm, but he silently pulls away gently.

I groan, standing up and walking over to the girls, they could see what I also see.

Lizzie walks over to me, "What's wrong with them?"

I shrug, "I have no clue? What have they taken?"

She shrugs back, we both look back at the boys, completely out of it.

In the distance I see Izzy speed walk over to me, I've never seen somebody so frightened in their life, her eyes were widen, looking crazy.

I take a step back discreetly, "Y/n."

It's almost like she's going through withdrawal from how madly she was shaking and itching her skin.

I nod my head, "What's wrong?"

She shivers, her brows furrow, "Help me. Something's wrong. You aren't feeling it? Any of you?!"

Everyone nods their heads, singling her out, only making her worry more, I slowly walk over to her, putting my hand on her shoulder, she pushes me off, closing her eyes and strutting off to the boys.

I groan, shutting my eyes, getting pissed off, "I've actually had enough of this shit."

Lizzie tries to stop me but I hurriedly walk over to them, "God! You guys! What the fuck is going on? Why are you acting like this."

Their faces were blank with shock until Newt breaks the silence, his breath shakes, "How do you not feel that?"

I hold up my arms, shrugging, "I don't have any idea of what you're on about."

They become more agitated by the second as I start asking more questions, Minho stands up, looking me dead in the eye.

He growls, "Do you need feel that burn in your chest? The emptiness in your head?!"

I lean backwards, hesitantly shaking my head.

Lizzie who's stood behind me grabs my arms, slowly bringing me backwards, Minho only moves forward, "Minho back off." Gally spoke with his heavy breathing.

Minho didn't stop, he keeping creeping towards me, as well as Lizzie pulling me back. He leans in to whisper in my ear, something that I would've never forgot, "I'm gonna slice your chest open and chew on your heart."

As he spoke ever so slowly, it caught me off by guard,  "Minho? You're scaring me."

He watches my scared expression, watching as I gulp, "Scared? Scared I may hurt you?" He spoke with a grin on his face.

The other girls join us, trying to convince Minho to get back off of me.

My eyes widen, looking over to Gally who's just sat there, doing nothing, "Gally?"

He doesn't even bat an eye.

Fuck. There's something going on.

Eventually Minho decides to sit back down, it took a lot of convincing, but the girls did it.
Izzy was still looking at me like a crazy person, I just give her a dirty look.

The whole group stays in the same spot the whole day, like they're on drugs, completely not in this world.

As I was watching from a distance I hear a creak of a branch behind me, making me jump. I turn around seeing Gally, "Shit! You scared the fuck out of me."

He gulps, "Sorry."

My head tilts, I walk up to him, cup his cheeks so that I force him to look at me. He had tears in his eyes, his face almost went red, "What's wrong?"

He spurs, "Help me. Y/n. Help me before I hurt you."

My heart drops. What is he talking about?

I scoff, shaking my head, "You're not hurting me?"

His eyes shutter closed. I feel a familiar feeling strike me in my stomach. I groan as the pain succeeds, seeing Gally stumble backwards with a bloody knife in his hand.

I fall to my knees, holding the wound pulsating from my stomach. I whimper, looking at him completely lost in his head. He hurriedly runs off into the woods, dropping the knife onto the grass, leaving them there to bleed out.

As I almost black out I gathered all my strength to scream as loud as I can, trying to get somebody's attention, I see a shadow in front of me, Minho leans over me, looking up and down at my wound.

He doesn't look scared, sad, or even angry, he had no expression, like a ghost. His eyes quickly avert to the knife.

I groan, feeling the blood pour out onto my hand, he picks up the knife with trembling hands, checking the sharpness by cutting his finger.

Whimpering, I try to crawl away on my knees but I hear his boats behind me, "HELP ME!" I let out a cry for help.

His big boats step against my back, I yelp, he aggressively pushed his knee on my head, "You screamed and I cut your throat."

My sobs were quiet, all I could hear was the sound of my own heartbeat, I'd rather be dead then live when both my best friend and boyfriend had tried to murder me.

He flips me around, facing him, holding the knife to my throat.

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