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I gasp, choking on my saliva, fighting hard to keep my breath steady. Bright lights rapidly pierce through my eyes. Loud metal slaps clank around me.

My heart jumps, I'm so done.

I curl up with my knees to my chest, hoping this is hell. Loud doors open above me, I crawl to my knees, seeing three figures above me.

I could hear high voices echoing, I manage to fix my sight, seeing a short brunette girl reach her hand out for me.

I hesitate before taking it, she helps me to my feet and onto the grass ground. It looked a lot like the Glade, but a different design, "Holy fuck." My breath hitched.

As I scan the girls around me, my eye cocks as I see Izzy, her arms were crossed, making eye contact with me, she looked furious, "What are YOU doing here?!"

My lips part but I don't say anything.

A blonde tall girl holds out her hand in front of her, in a concerned expression, "You know her?"

Izzy nods slowly, "She was in my old maze. She was the one who helped us escape WCKD."

I step back, trying to take in all the confusion, I tuck my hands at my side, trying to figure out why I'm being out here for the THIRD time.

I bite my lip in anticipation, "This looks nothing like the Glade, why is everything so— organized."

The tall blonde steps forward, smirking, "It's because we're all girls, no stinky boys are here just yet."
Her hand holds out to me to shake, "I'm Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Lizzie."

My brows furrows, shaking her hand, "Y/n."

She pulls her hand away quickly, her lips parted. Everyone around me was murmuring to each other.

The small brunette approached me, "You're THE y/n? The cure?!"

My brows raises, "Excuse me?"
I hold up my hands, "Izzy tell me what's going on right now."

Her brows furrows, "We're in stage 4, y/n.. stage 1 was the glade and grievers, stage 2 was the flare and stage 3 was the cranks, now we're in stage 4, it is repeating."

I rub my temples, groaning in frustration, "I've died so many times that I can't even count. Why am I back here? Why can't these fucktards let me rest?!"

Lizzie pats my shoulder, trying to calm me, I push her hand away, speed walking away from them into the woods.

This place is nothing like the original glade. This place has beautiful flowers, green trees, it smells so incredible. Why am I missing the smelly glade so much?

Perching myself behind the bushes, against a randomly tree, feeling the flowers against my legs, my hands against the bark of the tree.

This has got to be a test. I'm not truly here, I have to leave.

Night quickly fell, as I almost dosed off, a loud offensive noise came from the glade, loud metallic melody sung, I knew it was the box.

Hurriedly, I run out of the woods, being the first one to get in front of the box, I open it. There lies Gally.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips, my eyes look at his unconscious body.

"A boy.." The whole of girls mutter under their breaths, trying to push past one another to get a better look.

Izzy pushes forward, looking down at him, "Gally."

Lizzie and the brunette short girl dart their eyes at her, "Help us get him out."

Half of the girl attempt to lift him up, "God, he's heavy." Lizzie complains.

I chuckle, sighing to myself with one of hands on my head, trying to focus on my breathing as I can feel my chest close in on me. As I can't witness to see Gally, I walk into an empty hut, walking as far as I can from the door.
My back against the wall, sliding down it, tears rolling down my face.

My hands wrap around my knees as I sob into my lap.

The derealisation hits me, I stay sat for hours, hearing the laughter of the girls and the jobs done around me.

My skin jumps as I hear a light knock at the door, I whimper, trying to tuck myself in, so they don't see me, "Y/n?" A dark voice struck my heart.

My eyes close in defeat, as I hear footsteps approach me. Gally sits at-least 2 feet away from me, giving me my space.
The silence was so loud.

He exhaled slowly, "I think they like me too much, trying to get me to laugh." He chuckles, trying to break the silence.

His eyes meet my figure, my back is faced him, not letting him see my breaking face.

His brows furrows, "Hey."

I sniffle, still not moving an inch.

"I know you, y/n. I know you more then you know yourself. I know your limits and your strengths. I know how you love rain and the sweet words you write in your diary." He chuckles softly, moving a tad closer to me.

His hands reach my back, making me jump, "I know I hurt you more then I probably should of and I don't expect you to forgive me but I want you to understand."

"I did it for you. For you, y/n. After you killed Teresa, I knew that Alby would be forced to throw yup into the maze. I wanted you to die in my arms, y/n. I loved you so muc—" His voice breaks.

I turn my head to him, with puffy, red eyes, "Loved?"

Before he could say anything back, I stand up, walking out of the room, he tries to grab my arm, "Don't touch me or I swear to god, I will throw you in the maze myself!" I scream, crying my eyes out.

His eyes watch me walk out of his life.

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