Chapter 2: Reunited.

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Keegan & Kaiden Duncan.

Keegan's POV.

I had heard the car behind us and before I could do anything Kaiden pushed me sideways, making me fall out of its path.

I immediately heard the sickening bang as the car hit him, and I saw him being tossed into the air and over into someone's garden. The rear end of the car had crashed into me, trapping me underneath the wheels and squishing me up against a small boundary brick wall.

The pain in my legs and back had been excruciating. My head hurt too and the taste of blood in my mouth had nauseated me. I had felt its warmth oozing down the side of my face and I kept losing consciousness.

I can remember someone talking to me. I can vividly recall his kind black shiny face, and big protruding round eyes, more than what he was saying. It felt strangely comforting. The big smile. The softness of his voice had been reassuring.

I do remember him asking for my name and where I was from. I can't remember all that he asked me now, but after I had managed to tell him we were running away from Cartref Melys and to promise not to send us back, I had felt safe when he answered he wouldn't. I can't swear to it but I'm sure he said he had been in care himself. I've been told since that he talked to me to keep me awake until other help arrived.

I can remember a lady saying she was going to give me an injection for the pain and that was it until I woke up in hospital a month later.

Yes! One whole month being kept sedated because of the injury to my head and back.

When they brought me round I was confronted by a sea of people in white coats. I was disoriented and confused. I heard the monotonous tones of machines that I was hooked up to beeping rhythmically away. Different people spoke to me and I just answered the best I could. I know I asked where Kaiden was but no one answered me.

Soon faces disappeared and I was left with a portly woman with a round jolly looking face holding my hand. I asked her where Kaiden was and told her straight I wasn't going to say anything more until she told me. I even asked her if he was dead.

Her reply was a short 'No' but her smile told me all was not well. She then said he was in a coma in the adjacent room and she would take me to him later when I was more aware of what was going on.

She told me her name was Eileen Priestley and that she was my new social worker.

A policewoman appeared at my side. She said she just wanted to hear my side of the story as to what had happened that night before I spoke to anyone else.

A nurse brought us all in a cup of tea and I made my brief statement. The policewoman left and just Eileen remained. She sat and talked with me for what seemed like forever. I found her easy to talk to and I felt she listened to what I was saying. She showed me such kindness and compassion that I unburdened myself to her. I told her everything about the abuse. Every last detail. At the end she looked like she had tears in her eyes.

I don't remember falling asleep but I must have as it was night time when I awoke. There was a nurse by my bed reading a book who promptly jumped when I asked if I could see Kaiden.

She took my pulse and temperature and performed the usual standard tests on me telling me that Mrs Priestley would be coming in later that morning to take me to him.

I made an arse of myself by demanding, not just simply asking, but full on demanding, that I be taken to him now.

She smiled sweetly at me and fiddled with something hanging above me.

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