Chapter 18: High 'N Dry.

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Cameron's POV.

I lay on my back in Keegan's bed, my hands behind my head, just thinking about the events of the day and how excited that the twins had become on learning about their heritage.

I smiled to myself as I recalled Kaiden putting Keegan in his place. I had already thought that Keegan was pushing his luck an incy wincy bit too far. He was in mid-flow of dishing out orders and demands, while Kaiden was on the computer searching for more information, when Kaiden just slapped his hand face down on the table hard and left it there. He glared at his twin and raised just his forefinger off the table.

Keegan had instantly gone quiet. When I say quiet, I mean quiet. He uttered not a sound and let Kaiden finish what he was doing. Not long after he had made the excuse he was going to shower and change for bed.

I had gone over and sat in the chair by the computer and grinned at Kaiden.

"How did you manage to shut him up so easily? He was really giving it some, wasn't he?"

Kaiden giggled. He then took me a bit by surprise as he began talking much more easily than he had ever done in the past. He was not so hesitant and far less disjointed. It wasn't perfect by any means but it was a vast improvement on anything I had known.

"When I was unable to speak, and he talked too much, it was my sign for him to stop. Grandma used to do it to us when we were naughty or to stop us talking, it means 'see this finger? Consider it raised!' Sometimes I just couldn't absorb everything. It made me stressed. It still does. He knows what happens if I am stressed, and it worries him."

I had sat there without moving. Literally gobsmacked at first, and then Kaiden began to giggle. It was infectious and I was soon giggling too.

"Where the hell did that beautiful clear voice come from?" I eventually had been able to ask.

"In this room ... I can talk. I feel safe. Safe with Keegan .... Safe with you."

I had pushed his shoulder, playfully. "You silly goose! Why didn't you say before because we could have made it easier on both of us if you had?"

"Wasn't sure until today."

I knew he had wanted to say more so I kept quiet.

"Thank you ....for what you said today. About being my friend. No one has ever said they liked me since the accident." There was a short pause before he added. "Keegan doesn't count." He then started giggling again as we embraced.

"Come on?" I had asked. "What's so funny?"

"Will you sleep with Keegan tonight?"

That was the question that was still reverberating around my head. I had answered 'no way' as that was what I was thinking at the time. I've had more time to think about it since then and although my answer is still the same, I was worried that Keegan might take advantage of the situation with me staying over. After all he was experienced in these matters. Not like me, a bleedin' virgin. What if, when he came in to say goodnight after settling Kaiden down, he came on to me? Fuck! I didn't want to be seduced. Well! Yes! I did, but not just yet. I wanted it to be special, to be planned. Not some quick, secretive fumblings, and being worried about being caught. I wanted it to be romantic. No! I would demand that it was romantic.

The bedroom door opened and Keegan slipped into the room quietly. "Good! You're still awake," he whispered as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position. He leant over to kiss me and I backed away.

"What's up? I was just going to kiss you, nothing else."

I smiled meekly back. "Why is it that I feel so naughty, then?"

"So you think kissing is being naughty, do you?"

I nodded and watched his cavalier reaction as he brushed my reply away with some disdain. "Don't be such a plonker. It's only naughty if you think and act like it was wrong. There's nothing to feel guilty about if we just kiss. It's not as if I'm gonna *Rodger you right here and now, is it? Besides, John and Margaret would kill me if they heard us."
*(Rodger or Rodgering are slang terms for sexual intercourse)

I felt relieved that he was not going to take things further. "You're not wanting to sleep here with me then?"

A wicked grin immediately sprang on his face. "Yes...., but I won't. I wouldn't mind a kiss and cuddle before I go though."

Tentatively I allowed him to move in on me and kiss me. We then lay down, me half under the covers and Keegan on the top. We kissed and caressed without straying near each other's groin areas.

"You might as well know right now that I don't think I could ever stay the whole night with you. I wouldn't be able to sleep...."

I suppressed a giggle.

"..... and not for that reason you dirty minded dipstick, it's just I can't really sleep that well without being with Kaiden. I just worry that if he wakes up and I'm not there. I know it sounds daft, but after everything we went through, he more than me, I promised him that I would always be there for him. No one would ever split us up again. I saw the look you gave earlier when you realised that we shared the same bed. It's just something we've always done, even when people tried to stop us. It's something that you will have to understand and accept."

He brushed my hair away from my eyes and then kissed me quickly on the lips. "Not that I don't want to spend the whole night with you, of course, it's just at the moment I just can't do it."

"So when you've seduced me you would go back to Kaiden, would you?" I feign mock hurt.

"Yup!" He emphasised the p with a pop as he often did, "but I would be anxious to return at the next possible moment."

"I should bloody well hope so. Anyway, I won't let you touch me until I know you love me."

"What if I deceive you?"

"You wouldn't be able to. I would know because Kaiden will tell me."

"You mean you've already talked about this?"

"Yeah! You're forgetting, while you were busy neglecting me and being indecisive about wanting to be my boyfriend, me and Kaiden had quite long and revealing conversations. I already knew about you wanting to have me and bugger off before you and I talked about it. He agrees with me, but also wants you to be happy. And, as you can't fool him, he will tell me when I have snared you."

"Jeez! You two are as bad as each other. Scheming and plotting behind my back. So what you are saying then if I don't fall in love with you, you ain't coming across with the goods?"

"Yup! You've got it in one, but that's not to say we can't have a little bit of fun, though." I wiggled my eyebrows up and down and grinned.

Keegan wrapped his arms tightly around me and pulled me in closer to him. His lips centimetres away from mine. "You little devil you. You're turning into a right little minx!"

I giggled before allowing his lips to smother mine and contain the giggle.

"I'll hold you to that. I promised John that I wouldn't do anything with you until you were at least 16. Your birthday's February, ain't it?"

"Awww! You are so sweet.... It's the 1st...., and fancy you knowing when my birthday is?"

"Heard you tell Kaiden last week, and cut it out with the sweet. I'm a badass hombre."

We kissed again, this time a little more passionately on my part, knowing that I was safe for now from being deflowered. I had just over 3 months of being nurtured and cared for before being harvested. Time enough to fall in love.

Keegan's ardour was certainly evident as he returned my passionate kisses. Suddenly he forced himself to his feet and with a simple peck on the lips bid me goodnight and slipped out of the room as quietly as he entered it.

He left me high and dry.

As the door closed I just performed the task that couldn't be left any longer..........

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