Chapter 7: Admission.

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Kaiden's POV.

Keegan had just helped me sit down when I saw Cameron approaching. His eyes followed Keegan as he then ran down the steps to the five a side court below.

Keegan waved at him and Cameron gave a cute embarrassed wave back in reply.

He ruffled my hair, just as Keegan usually did, as he sat down beside me.

"We've got the right idea, haven't we? Sitting here keeping cool while they all get hot and bothered chasing a bleedin' ball."

I looked at him as he then swore.

"Shit! Me and my size 9's. You didn't use to play, did you?"

I laughed and shook my head. I wanted to say I had always hated sports but I knew it would take time to say it, and people were never that patient to wait.

"Okay! I'm guessing from what I have seen so far it will be easier if I asked you questions that you can either nod or shake your head to. If you need to answer maybe or I don't know just shrug your shoulders. Would that work for you?"

I nodded and smiled gratefully at him. I reached out and touched his arm. It took a few more seconds before a weak 'thank you' passed through my lips.

He patted my hand. "No probs. If you want to try to say something else, just touch my arm again. That way I know you have something to say and I can wait for you to say it. Okay?"

I nodded again, and as he saw the big smile on my face he smiled back.

"Do you like sports?"

I shook my head and pulled a face.

He laughed. "I take that as a definite no then! Me neither. I don't mind watching though. What about you?"

I nodded and pointed at the boys playing football.

"You like watching Keegan?"

I shrugged my shoulders and pointed at random different boys on the pitch below.

He raised an eyebrow. "You like watching others?"

I nodded and giggled. I put my hand in front of my groin, pointing my fingers downwards. Holding my arm as steady as I could I waved my fingers from side to side.

Cameron went scarlet red and burst out in a really nervous laugh. "Did you just do what I thought you did?"

I grinned and touched his arm. I tried to say something but kept laughing. Cameron started laughing too.

"I've got a good idea what you are trying to say but I sure as hell ain't going to say it. You're not going to get me into trouble that easily."

I tapped him on the arm to be quiet and regained some composure that I knew wouldn't last. I took some deep breaths and then blurted out, not too loudly I hope, "Cock watching!"

Cameron looked like he didn't know quite what to do with himself. I could tell he wanted to laugh and he was desperately stopping himself. He couldn't do it for long. He covered his mouth with his hand as he sputtered and sprayed spit. "You're teasing me, right? Having a joke?"

I shook my head and smiled sweetly.

"You mean you're gay?"

I beamed at him and nodded the affirmative. I pointed at Keegan and nodded again.

"Keegan is too?"

I nodded and then pointed at him and held my hands, palm up, in front of me trying to indicate if he was. He looked at me. The smile had gone and I could tell he was embarrassed and hesitant to say anything more.

He turned away and looked up at the sky. I knew he was thinking about answering me. I just squeezed his arm. He didn't look back at me.

"I don't suppose you're in a position to go around telling everyone, are you? Would Keegan?"

He turned his head when he said Keegan's name and raised an eyebrow again, but a hint of a smile formed on his lips. I shook my head and held my lips together with my thumb and forefinger.

He chuckled when I crossed my heart and put my hands together as if praying. He clearly understood the expression 'cross my heart and hope to die'. He was that easy to talk to.

I pointed at Keegan and made a heart shape with my fingers and then pointed at him. It was perfectly clear what I was trying to say. He showed no reaction, still. So I pointed at him then made the heart shape again before pointing at Keegan.

His face reddened again, and he shifted his body uneasily, giving a nervous cough. Eventually he uttered that three letter word, yes, that confirmed everything.

I touched his arm and when he looked at me again I kept pointing between ourselves five or six times. The words be friends came out more easily than I thought it would. I held my hands out palm upwards again and waited for his answer.

"How could we not be after you knowing my secret." He took hold of my hand. His smile was genuine. That I could tell. "I hope we become best friends because I am not that flush with them."

Keegan came bounding up the steps. "You two look like you are getting on okay?"

I nodded as Cameron answered. "Yeah! He's just told me that you like me!"

The smile on Keegan's face disappeared as quick as a rat up a drainpipe and he glared at me.

I giggled and his glare softened.

He turned to Cameron. "So! What do you intend to do about it?"

"What would you like me to do about it, then?" Cameron replied, teasing him.

It was Keegan's turn to shift uneasily on his feet. He scratched the back of his neck, a clear sign to me that he was nervous.

"Like me back?" You could hardly hear the words.

"I'm sorry?" Cameron gave a sweet smile at me. "I couldn't quite hear you."

"I said, like me back. Is that loud enough?"

I slapped Cameron on the thigh and urged him to talk by making signs with my hands.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Cameron pushed my hand away. "Kaiden has already asked me if I am gay. I told him yes! Does that suffice?"

The bell for the end of break sounded and it was Cameron that helped me to my feet and not Keegan.

"By the way I am not out." Cameron stated as we walked back. "I've never told anyone what I've just told Kaiden and I would like to keep it that way. If my family, especially my old man found out I would be dead. He hates gays and, I'm sorry but I have to say it, He hates foreigners, especially ones with colour like you."

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