Chapter 24: Solutions.

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Eric Dawson & Rhys Jones.

Kaiden's POV.

The morning Keegan was allowed back at school I noticed that many boys were looking at us. It was a normal look, but as boys spotted us they shied away. It was as if they thought Keegan was going to cause them some trouble.

I couldn't see Cameron, but Eric came over as soon as he saw us. "Cameron's inside already. He's in the library. Word has already spread about what his Mum said after she whacked him one."

Keegan swore. Not a mild swear word but a strong one.

"My sentiments exactly," answered Eric. "When it gets back to his Uncle or Old Man..... I don't fancy his chances."

Kane walked across the playground with his entourage. He gave a big smirk and made a rude gesture as he passed us, which Keegan just ignored.

We went into the school library to meet with Cameron. He looked awful. He had no colour to his face and his eyes held no sparkle at all.

"We need to talk," whispered Keegan. Talk about stating the bleeding obvious. I giggled. I couldn't help it.

Cameron flashed me an annoyed smile as he followed us out of the library and around to the far end of the corridor where we could talk in private.

"What are we going to do now?" Cameron asked. "I've already been asked if it's true."

"I hope you told them to fuck off," Keegan replied immediately.

"I just ignored them and rushed up here. Eric said he would wait for you. What should we do?"

"Deny it of course! Say your Mum had it all wrong. Say she lashed out because you're friends with us and she's racist. It won't be lying about that, would it?"

Rhys walked down the corridor towards us.

"We're having a private discussion here." Keegan told him as he got nearer.

"I guessed that, but thought I would give you the heads up on what's being said right now," replied Rhys as he stopped walking.

"Hear him out Cam," Eric pleaded. "It may help."

Keegan beckoned him forward.

"The thing is...., the word going around is that it's Kaiden who is gay and that Cameron has been accused purely by association. I have been saying that it's Keegan that Cameron is mates with and no one really believes either of you are gay."

"Not being funny, Kaiden," Eric added. "That first week Rhys was looking out for you..., you really flirted with him big time. It didn't go unnoticed either. I will be honest and say I didn't deny that I thought you were gay either. No one dared to say anything about it because of Keegan. It seems that most people are wary of him. He was like an unknown quantity. After decking Kane they say they were proved right, and won't ever go up against him."

"I've had boys come up to me just now," volunteered Rhys, "saying that no way was it true about you, Cameron. They are saying that you are looking after Kaiden to stop him being picked on while Keegan plays footie. I think if you play on that it will all blow over."

I pulled on Keegan's arm and nodded.

"No way Kaiden. You don't have to do that for me."

I tried to answer but Keegan looked away and began talking to Rhys and Eric again. I turned to Cameron and tapped his arm. He immediately paid attention to me like he always did. I eventually managed to tell him, in not so many words, that it was fine if I was known as gay. If boys had already guessed why not? After all, I knew I was a bit obvious. Maybe a hunky guy might come on to me. Cameron had laughed at that.

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