Chapter 23: Reconciliation.

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Keegan's POV.

I watched helplessly as Cameron was dragged away by his mother. I saw her hit him and yell at him. The thing was, I was not the only one. Other kids saw and heard too, and many were laughing at him. She was humiliating him in front of everyone.

John didn't say much as he took us home. I knew he was embarrassed by it all, but he had assured me that he was certainly not going to prevent me from seeing Cameron as long as I behaved myself. I knew what he meant by that, and I chuckled to myself over it. Getting my leg over was hardly on the cards right now. Cameron's state of mind was more my concern.

I left it an hour before going to my own designated bedroom and sending him a text asking if he was okay. He responded straight away by calling me back. We chatted for around ten minutes. He said he had been talking to his mother and that everything was fine. I didn't believe him. There was a nervous edge to his voice, but there was nothing I could do just then. I just hoped his friend Eric had been in touch and had gone round to see him. It was at times like this that you physically need someone there to talk to. I felt angry and helpless.

I asked Cameron why he had introduced me to his Mum. His answer was that Banyard had told her we were close friends and she had guessed we were more than that. It really made me worried for him.

Why has everything suddenly gone pear shaped? Why all the drama? It wasn't that we were sleeping with each other. It had to be me being of mixed race. She had to be against me just for that. That's what she meant by a boy the likes of him. It's just not fair.

"Keegan?" A voice called out. "Do you need a hug?"

I turned to see Kaiden standing in the doorway with a sad look on his face.

"Yeah Bro!" I answered as I stood up and went to him. "You look as if you need one too."

We wrapped our arms around each other and I felt his lips kiss my cheek before he buried his face in my neck and sobbed. We stood there for a good five minutes, his hug drawing the anger out of me.

It's amazing what a good hug can do.

"I'm sorry that those words hurt you," he muttered. "You knew what his family was like. He told you they were racist and homophobic."

"Yeah! I know, but I didn't think his Mum would be like that. Especially as she had dropped hints about him being gay."

"Can she stop him from being friends with us?" Kaiden asked as he wiped away his tears on his sleeve. "I don't want to stay here if we can't."

"Yeah! She can. Once he's 16 he has more rights. She had better watch herself though, if she hits him again like that in public she'll have Social Services down on her like a ton of bricks."

Cameron's POV.

I was relieved that neither Brandon or Austin were at home when we got back. Mum had hardly said anything in the car. It had surprised me how angry she had been and I felt justified in not ever telling her I was gay. In fact I now intended to deny it.

As soon as I entered the house I just ran upstairs to my room and lay face down on the bed.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door and Mum walked in with a cup of tea.

"We need to talk, Cameron," she said as she sat down on my bed.

I turned over and sat up, with my back up against my headboard, and my knees tucked up under my chin.

I didn't answer her. I won't say I was frightened but I was scared of what was going to happen.

"I'm sorry I hit you and sorry to have lost my temper. I was already angry that I didn't know that Brandon was bullying you. That's not an excuse. Just the reason why."

She moved closer and tried to hug me, but I pushed her away. "Thanks to you I'm gonna get bullied even more. Shouting out I was queer for everyone to hear was not a smart move was it?"

"I'm sorry. No, it wasn't smart, but I've been worried about you for ages now. I've wanted to talk to you more about your illness and that, but you don't seem to give me the opportunity. Something always comes up and you disappear on me."

"So it's my fault then, is it?"

"I didn't mean it like that. I want to help. To get you fixed proper. Just because you're having these inclinations now doesn't mean you'll always feel like it. I've read that it is just a phase some boys go through."

"Who told you I was having these so-called inclinations?" I demanded.

"Doctor Montenegro. He said he had referred you for counselling, but you had refused to go. He asked me if I could persuade you instead."

"That was almost a year ago Mum. You mean you have known about it all this time and have not said anything? Jeez! That's crazy!"

"I know. I was too scared to say anything in case your Dad found out. What if someone saw you going to see that gay counsellor? I wouldn't be able to deal with the fallout from that."

"What about me Mum? Didn't you think that I needed support? I was scared stiff too. You must have known Brandon and Austin were forcing me to work with them and Uncle Harry. I've been refusing, and that's the real reason Brandon is hitting me, and not because I am gay."

"So you are gay then? It's not just you having these temporary inclinations, is it?"

"No Mum! It's not. I'm gay and Keegan is me new boyfriend whether you like it or not..... And before you even go there.... No! We haven't done anything, but when I'm ready to, I will. I really like him Mum, and I know he's of mixed race and none of you will approve, but when I met him I felt something. Don't ask me to explain it because I can't. I just instantly liked him."

"Oh Cameron! If he was White then it wouldn't be so bad. It would be easier to support you with Dad..., but him being a mixer...! Well! He will go mental."

"Then you are gonna have to make sure he doesn't find out that I'm gay then, aren't you? I won't stop seeing him. I'll leave home if necessary."

"Don't talk wet. You'll make matters worse if you do that. Uncle Harry will take great pleasure in making sure this boy is given a good hiding. And don't think for one minute your father will let you off the hook. He'll probably give you one too."

Mum moved in to hug me again and this time I let her. It was a really strong hug and I could feel her shaking. It wasn't that obvious, but I could feel it. For once I felt like I could tell her everything.

I kissed her on the cheek. "I'm sorry too Mum. I should have been honest with you. I did try to fight these feelings.... Honestly I did...., but they just kept getting stronger and stronger."

Mum then kissed me, and we sat drinking our tea and chatted. I told her about my feelings towards Adam and how I found out just in time what a nasty shit he was. I told her a little about Kaiden and Keegan, and my feelings for them both. I told her that I wanted to be in a loving relationship before I had sex with a boy, and that I also wanted that the relationship to be rock solid as well.

She laughed and called me 'refreshingly romantic but off my trolley'.

She said it reminded her of how she felt at my age.

I asked her if she would just meet with Keegan and his foster parents, just so that she could make up her own mind as to what he was like.

She didn't say no, but she didn't say yes either. I could see her thinking about it when my mobile rang, alerting me of a text.

It was Keegan.

"Is it him?" Mum asked as I looked at my phone.

I nodded.

"He obviously is worried. Call him back while I go and get some tea started. Don't make arrangements to see him, or anything like that until I've had a chance to think about things. Can I trust you to do that?"

I kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks Mum, and yes....! You can trust me. I won't be long talking to him and we can talk more before the others get home."

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