Chapter 8: Invitation.

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Keegan, Cameron, & Kaiden.

Cameron's POV.

I couldn't really believe what had just happened. I didn't feel anything but pure elation. I had no negative feelings whatsoever. And it wasn't my medication doing that. I know it was because I had actually admitted I was gay to another person, and nothing bad had happened. I had never felt as excited before about anything.

Eric commented on my happier disposition at our next lesson and it was all I could do not to spill the beans and tell him. I wanted to tell someone else. I felt like I needed to as I was almost bursting inside with such happiness. I promised myself that once Keegan was actually my boyfriend for real, he would be the first person that I would tell.

Boyfriend! To actually have a boyfriend had been a dream that I had harboured for the past year. I thought it was beyond me, out of my grasp. But with someone like Keegan? Could it be possible? He looked and acted so straight that no one would ever guess he was gay. He would be just perfect. The fact that he was Asian didn't carry any negativity with me. I had easily brushed those thoughts aside.

The word boyfriend made me smile. Not the longing romantic smile I thought matched what I was repeating over and over again in my daydreaming mind, but a silly nauseating grin. At least that's what Eric said when nudged me, bringing me back to reality. If only he had known the reason behind it.

I began to regularly meet up with the twins at break times. I still had lunch with Eric, but always met up with Keegan and Kaiden after we had eaten.

Eric never said anything derogatory about my sudden liaisons with the twins. I think he was confused by the fact that I spent most of the time with Kaiden and not with Keegan. I felt sure he had already guessed but I dare not say anything yet. If he asked me? Well! That was different. Even then I wasn't sure I would tell him though. Not just yet anyway, despite my promise.

Depending on the weather at break times, and if Keegan was having his usual kick around, Kaiden and I would decide on where we would go to chat. It was either by the five-a-side court, or some classroom.

Whichever we chose it was always within sight of Keegan. If we were by the five-a-side court we would sit and watch him play in between our talking. I had never been a fan of sports but I began to enjoy watching him to the point I was watching his every movement with adoration. I even found myself cock watching, as Kaiden called it. One particular boy must wear boxers instead of briefs as his lunch box danced about somewhat alarmingly. Pity the rest of him was such a let down.

On the occasions when Kaiden had something more important to say we would just sit and talk.

After a while Kaiden seemed to be more relaxed in my company and he conversed with me much more fluently. I never rushed him or spoke over him. I went at his pace.

I enjoyed our talks and began to look forward to our little tête-à-tête's. I liked him. I liked his manner. It was his simplicity. His honesty. He was uncomplicated and non-judgemental. His love for his brother was clearly evident. His world began and ended with Keegan.

He had a good sense of humour too. One that people often would call wicked and certainly dirty. Double entendres were his speciality and he caught me out many a time. He nearly always made me laugh out loud. He had a knack of finding something funny in most situations. If he didn't speak, he giggled. He giggled quite a lot, so I ended up giggling a lot too.

Keegan said giggling was Kaiden's release valve being activated. It took me a while to understand what he meant by that. He saw it as a way that Kaiden could alleviate his frustration of not being able to say something easily. I didn't see it quite like that. I saw it as his response to his observations of happenings around him and his happiness of just communicating with someone. I knew that he was enjoying our conversations. I certainly was.

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