Chapter 9

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 9

“Ah, Your Highness.”

Juliet greeted him with a confident smile as if she had just spotted him.

“You’ve arrived.”

Considering she had been avoiding him all day, it was quite a genuine smile.

“…Let’s talk.”

Lennox pulled her towards the outdoor balcony. Juliet followed him without resistance.

Despite the chilly weather, Juliet was dressed in a deep blue dress that exposed her shoulders and back. The vivid blue color, reminiscent of scattered starlight, accentuated her smooth skin.

But even that bothered him.

Lennox thought absentmindedly.

There seemed to have been a matching white fur draped over her shoulders with that dress. Where did she leave it and just come out like that?

Unconsciously, Lennox scanned her neckline with his eyes.

A sparkling necklace adorning Juliet’s neck captured his gaze. It was a lavish necklace, consisting of two long strands of slender diamonds.

It suited her dress and was a necklace he had seen a few times before, but he furrowed his brow.

He had sent her the necklace this morning. Had she not received it?

“I received it.”


Instead of answering, Juliet tilted her head slightly, as if she didn’t understand why he was asking.

Lennox Carlyle wasn’t a man who paid attention to his lover’s gifts, nor was he idle enough to do so.

“Why haven’t you worn it?”

These words, even to him, seemed rather absurd after he uttered them.

Lennox had never asked such a question before. He knew that he himself was asking something strange.

Am I acting like a childish kid?

Lennox Carlyle couldn’t help but feel restless.

He had always been the one in control of their relationship. He had never been in a subordinate position in any human relationship.

But suddenly a doubt crept into Lennox’s mind.

Had there ever been a moment in their relationship where he had the upper hand?

The woman who was making him uneasy suddenly smiled brightly.

“I was very happy with the necklace. Thank you for the gift.”

It was as if she was using a tone to soothe a tantrum-throwing child.

“But I was afraid I might lose such an expensive and precious item, so I sent it back to the mansion. The dress and accessories I’ll be wearing to the party tonight were already chosen weeks ago.”

Juliet’s response made sense.

Lennox couldn’t find any flaws in her words. Yet, despite that, Juliet’s calm demeanor somehow unsettled him.

Of all things, he remembered the handkerchief she had given him a few years ago.

It was embroidered with his name and handed to him.

Therefore, this handkerchief was still kept in the back of a drawer in his desk in his office.

Then Juliet said to him,

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