Chapter 116

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A few days later, the evening banquet was a pre-wedding celebration. Accordingly, the attending guests were dazzlingly glamorous.


For the past few days, Dolores had been acting more familiar with Juliet.

“Because I’m a commoner, the other noblewomen shun me.”

With such words, she tried to gain Juliet’s sympathy…

“Even if it’s a woman, she can be a countess?”

“Your necklace is beautiful.”

“I heard that Countess Monad is a spirit-tamer.”

And with such words, she showed her interest in Juliet.

While Duke Carlyle accompanying them was called by the Emperor, Dolores approached Juliet and offered her a glass of champagne.

“You look tired, Juliet.”

“Yes, I’m feeling a bit sluggish.”

Juliet yawned softly.

Seeing this, Dolores’s eyes sparkled.

“Do you feel unwell?”

“No, I’m just a bit sleepy.”

“Do you want to go to the lounge with Dolores?”

Dolores kindly suggested.

A few noblewomen were already seated in the lounge. After a quick glance at them, Juliet casually asked:

“Have you ever been there, Dolores?”


“I’m talking about the magic stone mine owned by Marquis Guinness. I’ve heard it’s quite large…”

Juliet smirked.

“Oh, Dolores has…”

Dolores, about to say she had never been there unintentionally, was lost for words.

When the conversation turned to the mine in the south, a recent hot topic, unexpectedly, all the noblewomen in the lounge focused their attention.

In such a situation, Juliet calmly inquired:

“Wasn’t it strange for you, someone like Dolores, not to have been there?”

“Of, of course.”

Dolores forced a smile.

But Juliet’s questions didn’t stop.

“How was it seeing the mine firsthand?”

“I don’t know much about that. Business talks are too hard for me.”

“But that’s not a difficult question. Was the Marquis’s mine sparkling with magic stones?”

“Yes, yes. It was very pretty.”

Juliet’s eyes narrowed.

“That’s fascinating. The magic stones in the mines look like plain rocks before they’re processed.”


Only then did Dolores realize her mistake.

“Well, the definition of ‘sparkling’ differs from person to person.”

Fortunately, Juliet just smirked. The other noblewomen who had been eavesdropping gave doubtful glances but soon left.

“Rest well, Countess.”

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Where stories live. Discover now