Chapter 108

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“Ha! Do you want me to tell you?”

Graham sneered.

Being the youngest among the siblings, Roy didn’t know the story secretly passed down in the forest.

“Anyway, one thing’s for sure. She will never become your companion.”



There was a sound of something breaking, and Graham fainted.


Only then did Roy realize his mistake. Without even realizing, he had knocked out Graham.


Roy spoke, not sounding particularly regretful.

However, he was interested in what Graham had just mentioned.

After a moment of thought, Roy spoke again.



Elsa, who had been secretly watching from behind a distant tree, accidentally responded.

Nathan, hiding beside her, gave her a look of disbelief.


Regret was evident on Elsa’s face, but it was too late.

“Come out.”

She reluctantly stepped out.

“Do you know something?”

“Yes, no! I mean…”

Elsa rambled and closed her eyes tightly in frustration.

“Juliet said, Graham called Juliet’s necklace ‘Snowdrop’!”

“What’s with that weird name?”

Despite hearing this, Roy’s reaction was lackluster.

“It’s the name of a flower, isn’t it?”

Neither the unconscious Graham on the forest floor nor the clueless-looking Elsa replied.

“It’s an old tale.”

Reluctantly following behind, Nathan spoke up.

“You might have heard, Lord. Outside the forest, there are beings that deceive people, beautiful but malicious.”

“I know. It’s an old story from Grandma Sif.”

Elsa’s grandmother was the oldest and wisest in Katia’s forest.

She used to tell children old stories.

“It’s not just an old story.”


“In ancient times, foolish human kings made objects that could serve as gateways to summon beings from beyond dimensions, and named them to command them.”

Nathan, being overly serious about such tales, was somewhat amusing.

“A gateway?”

“Yes. Those qualified can use it to summon.”

Roy asked flatly.

“Summon what?”

“Evil deities from beyond the dimensions.”

Roy was becoming unsure whether to laugh or not.

“But what does this have to do with Juliet? Don’t tell me her key…”

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Where stories live. Discover now