Chapter 82

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Forgotten Juliete Chapter 82


“Hey! Are you okay?”

Then, Roy, Teo, and Eshel rushed to Juliet. For some unknown reason, Teo even had iron bars on one arm.

…He seemed to have run quite urgently.

Juliet, being supported from both sides, walked slowly to the other side of the terrarium.

The goddess’ body disappeared without a trace as soon as Lennox started breaking the ninety-eight barriers.

The sky was perfectly clear. As if nothing had happened just moments before.

However, Juliet could see the tragic scene under the bridge.

‘What did I mess up?’

Inexplicably, that was her first thought.

Something was going seriously wrong.

Dahlia still hadn’t appeared, and so much had changed from her first life.

Juliet slowly closed her eyes and opened them again.

In her past life, Dahlia, the prophetic girl, received the full support of the temple. Dahlia bridged the worst relationship between the North and the temple by falling in love with the Duke of the North.

However, now it seemed that the relationship between the North and the temple was deteriorating.


Suddenly, Juliet felt a pain as if her organs were being turned inside out.

“Be careful!”

As her legs gave way from the unbearable pain, Roy, who was following, supported her.

“Juliet, are you okay?”

Roy asked with concern.

But Juliet wasn’t in a state to answer.

‘It hurts…’

Her body kept leaning forward.



Suddenly, something hot welled up from within. She tasted metal in her mouth. Covering it with her hand was futile.

“Lennox, Your Highness.”


“Don’t conflict with the temple.”

She didn’t know why she suddenly said that.

Juliet gasped for breath as if it would be her last and clung to Lennox’s clothes.

‘It hurts…’

Juliet was not in her right mind.


“Stay still.”

“You will need their power.”

“Don’t speak.”

“I have something to say.”

Her body was shaking, and her vision was getting blurry.

“It might sound crazy, but please listen.”

“Damn it, shut up!”

“Lennox, I…”

Every time she opened her mouth, it felt as if her heart would jump out. She could feel her heartbeat intensely.

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Where stories live. Discover now