Chapter 65

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 65

Left alone, Juliet watched the retreating figures of the two men, then began to slowly walk along the beach.


Following her tirelessly was the creature with a hump on its back.

The festive crowd seemed too engrossed in eating and drinking to notice much else. To avoid the noisy hustle and bustle, Juliet shifted her walk towards the lakeside.

However, she encountered an unexpected problem.


The moment she stepped on the hill to cross the forest, her shoe got stuck in the mud.


Somehow, she had had a feeling about these shoes.

Looking back at the path she had walked, Juliet considered going back to change her shoes, but the distance and time made her hesitate.

After a moment of contemplation, she decided to take off her shoes and walk barefoot.

Beyond the coastline was a dense forest, full of grass and trees, and crossing it led to a lake known only to her.

Upon reaching the lake, Juliet took off her muddy shoes.

‘What will I do on my way back?’

She thought briefly, but decided not to worry about it.

‘Let it be.’

Juliet threw her shoes far away, then sat at the edge of the lake, cautiously dipping her feet in.

She had been here last year as well.

‘It was raining back then.’

Juliet gazed up absentmindedly. The full moon in the sky looked absolutely tantalizing.

And Lennox never came, in the end…

She knew it all along.

“Would you come with me?”

Around this time last year, Juliet was in Algiero. But back then, she wasn’t there to enjoy the festival.

At the time, Lennox was busy acquiring a newly discovered mine in the Algiero region.

She did accompany him to the east, but Juliet had been killing time amidst strangers all day.

No one in the ducal house was free, to the extent they even forgot Juliet’s birthday, which they had never overlooked before.

She could understand that. But there was one thing she desperately wanted as a birthday gift.

That morning, Juliet had pleaded with Carlyle.

“They say there will be a full moon tonight.”


“Would you… come with me?”

There’s a lake there with a breathtaking view. That alone would be a sufficient birthday gift, she had argued, considering she had never demanded anything before.


So when the casual agreement was made, Juliet was unusually excited that evening.

But midnight passed, and she didn’t see him till dawn.

He never explained why he didn’t show up. Either he was busy, or he forgot. It must have been one of the two.

A trivial story.

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