Chapter 75

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 75

Anyone who has played with dolls as a child would have recognized it.

Furniture with subtly off proportions compared to reality. Clothes that are overly flamboyant and uncomfortable to wear and move in.

Among the toys Juliet played with when she was little, there were such things.

From the tight corsets to the prickly touch of her undergarments, they didn’t seem like things meant for humans to wear.

And then there were the fake teacups that showed no signs of use.

Juliet turned over an empty teapot and glanced at the fake food displayed on the table.

Though they looked real, they were intricately crafted imitations.

She didn’t understand the principle, but it was clear that the space was created using a divine power.

The exit door was merely a decorative painting on the wall, and the windows she found wouldn’t open.

It was absurd.

That such a space existed within the temple.

More importantly, the Pope was the one who imprisoned her here.

Her butterflies couldn’t be summoned either.

Was it because of the missing key?

Sebastian, that strange man, had taken not only Juliet’s clothes and belongings but also the necklace with the key.

No, that’s not it.

The butterflies would always appear whenever she called, whether she had the key or not.

‘It must be because of the divine power barrier.’

Juliet guessed as much.

She recalled the words of the high priest who boasted about the ninety-eight layers of the divine barrier.

“So this must be Lucerne.”

At least she was relieved that she hadn’t been moved somewhere far away.

After thoroughly exploring the mansion, Juliet slumped down in a corner of the hallway on the first floor.

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed since she entered, but the only thing she had eaten was an apple a while ago.

It was strange she still had energy.

“I got it wrong.”

Juliet sat with her back against the wall and her knees raised, trying to sort out her thoughts.

The fake doors and windows were just decorative.

It seems this place is designed so she couldn’t leave on her own.

Sebastian had appeared from the bedroom, descending on what looked like a spiral staircase. That was probably the only entrance and exit to this place.

“So, this is a space inside the temple created with divine power…”

It was like some kind of barrier.

Once they realized Juliet was missing, her companions would surely start searching for her.

“…Will they come looking for me?”

She wasn’t very confident, maybe because of exhaustion or the overwhelming situation.


He might be angry because of what happened yesterday and may have already headed North.

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt