chapter 113

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Marquis Guinness was immensely satisfied. It was because of the spell performed by the Archbishop Solon.

Before casting the spell on Juliet Monad, they tested it on a few slaves the Marquis had acquired.

“It’s basically hypnosis.”

Two slaves were tied side by side in the torture chair, separated by a curtain.

“Watch closely.”

A complex magic circle was drawn on the floor.

From the center of it, something small and black suddenly sprouted.


The Marquis couldn’t hide his shock.

What emerged from the floor was a black shadow. It looked like a human shadow, albeit semi-transparent and much smaller in size, even having limbs.

“This is a spiritual entity.”

Archbishop Solon explained with a grim smile.

“We will implant this into that test subject.”

“Uh! Uh!”

Upon hearing this, a man tied to a chair in one corner began to panic.

The spiritual entity, which looked like a small shadow, approached the restrained test subject and disappeared into his shadow.


At the same time, the tied man seemed to lose consciousness and slumped.

“Is that it? He doesn’t seem to have changed much.”

Marquis Guinness commented skeptically. To the naked eye, it merely looked like the man had fallen asleep.

“It’s because we’ve only injected one spiritual entity so far. This spell requires a preparation period of at least three days, and at most a week.”

Archbishop Solon explained nonchalantly.

The more spiritual entitys are injected, the greater the level of control.

“Meaning, depending on the number of spiritual entitys implanted, the subject might initially feel sluggish and later will enter a complete state of hypnosis.”

Archbishop Solon counted the days.

“The spell is most potent during a full moon night.”

That’s why it’s named after the full moon.

“If you repeat the process of implanting the spiritual entity over a few nights-“

Suddenly, another slave, who was sitting with his head slightly bowed next to the first, came into view. Unlike the earlier test subject, he looked especially emotionless. His eyes were dull, appearing devoid of any will.

“They will enter a complete state of hypnosis like this.”

“So, can I now give commands?”

“Not yet! So if you say the order… the Marquis will be recognized as his master.”

Archbishop Solon quickly handed a piece of paper with the orderwritten on it to the Marquis.

Marquis Guinness looked at the crude paper skeptically but went on to read it as written.

“Who are you?”

“Master of the Full Moon. …Is this how I read it?”

Then, to his astonishment, the slave, who had been looking down like a corpse, raised his head to look at the Marquis.

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