Chapter 20

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 20

“Stop here.”

At the same time, the Duke, who was in the middle of his journey from the capital to his mansion, suddenly stopped his horse.

the Duke’s black horse neighed in displeasure as its rider tugged on the reins sharply.

“Your Highness, what happened?”

Naturally, everyone who followed him immediately stopped upon hearing the master’s order.

Duke Carlyle was silent for a while and stared into the darkness, as if he was thinking about something or trying to see something there.

The knights looked at each other in confusion, and then stared at their master’s back.

“Don’t you hear this?”

“What are you speaking about?”

“This sound.”

“What… what sound?”

And only then did they really pay attention to it. It was a faint, monotonous sound, like someone was crying.

“I hear it too!”

The first person to hear him after Carlyle was Jude Hayon, the youngest knight.

Jude hastily drew his sword from its scabbard.

This faint sound came from the magic stone embedded in his sword.

“It’s a resonance.”

Hadin nodded his head, confirming his words.

“Is it possible that it is nearby?”

“Most likely, a colossal amount of mana is coming from somewhere in the capital.”

Hadin explained to Jude, as he was also one of the first to catch an echo of this resonance.

He had heard of this being possible, but it was extremely rare. Moreover, in order to cause a resonance, an incredibly powerful magical explosion must occur. Only in this case, nearby mana stones could sound.

Then all the knights began to check their swords.

But, how could such a powerful magical explosion occur at this time of day, in the center of the capital?

“What could have caused it?”

“Maybe the dungeon has opened up.”

“Don’t joke like that, you idiot!” Jude exclaimed in fear.

If the dungeon was opened in the center of the capital, as one of the knights said, then it would be a real disaster.

“Let’s go there.”

Lennox, listening to the piercing screaming stone in his sword, led them out of the capital.

By the time he approached the forest near his destination, his ears were already hurting from the loud crying of the magic stone.

The place that the weeping voice of the stone led him to was an abandoned stone building on the outskirts of the capital. Similar dilapidated ancient temples were scattered throughout the Empire, and no one had visited them for a long time.

Why exactly here?


It was Jude who first discovered Juliet.

“Hey, there’s someone there!”

Thanks to the rising moon, illuminating the area as brightly as if it were daylight, the ruins of the ancient temple were perfectly visible.

Forgotten Juliet / 잊혀진 줄리엣 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum