Chapter 66

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 66

Carlyle bit his lip.

The reunion he had prepared for wasn’t supposed to be this messy.

He had repeatedly told himself that if he caught her, if he found her again, he wouldn’t let her go.

He wondered about the child in her womb. If she was in pain or if there were any issues. What kind of man her husband was.

There were endless questions that needed answers.

However, he held her hand tightly and remained silent for a long time.

He couldn’t mention how he had repeatedly made senseless promises or how he contemplated various ways to kill a man he didn’t even know every day.

Especially not to Juliet, the woman who cheated on him and ran away.

Even in his imagination, he couldn’t lay a finger on her.

“…What happened to you?”


She looked as though she had been drenched with water, her shoes weren’t even visible.

“It’s… a mess, isn’t it?”

Juliet awkwardly brushed a stray hair behind her ear, looking embarrassed.


He looked down at the sound, and a creature, whether it was a black weasel or a strangely shaped cat, was glaring at him, its long tail wrapped around Juliet’s ankle.

He was taken aback.

He was angry that she looked fine, but relieved that she wasn’t hurt.

He was unsure if he should ask if the child in her womb was safe or if he even had the right to ask.

He had never intended to force his lineage to the child, even if she was bearing it.

Especially not from Juliet.

It was the same thought just a month ago.

If she was going to run away from him, she should at least live well.

What was that look about?

His mind was full of thoughts, but he couldn’t express any of them.

He didn’t know how to articulate his feelings.

All that was left for him was a childish display.

Would he humble himself to the Emperor for a woman? Had he prepared the most luxurious and lavish wedding?

How could he even bring up such topics?

“I heard you’re getting married.”


“Congratulations. I won’t be able to attend in person, though…”


“If I go, she might not like it.”

“…Do you really think so?”


He felt frustrated.

“Juliet Monad.”


“Do I need to beg?”

“…Your Highness?”

“If you’re not there.”

Lennox clenched his teeth.

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