Chapter 102

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Forgotten Juliet - Chapter 102

Juliet was sitting in a moving carriage, reading a letter.

[I couldn’t find a priestess named ‘Dahlia’.]

It was a report on the inquiry Juliet had made to the information guild some time ago.

On a hunch, she provided as much detailed description of Dahlia as she could and asked if there was such a woman.

She could be using a different name.

The result was the same.

[No one has seen a woman with that description.]

Juliet briefly looked out the window, slightly furrowing her brows. The scenery was quickly passing by.

‘She’s not some ghost.’

Her mind was cluttered.

Although it was said that such a woman didn’t exist, Juliet had definitely encountered Dahlia.

Three times. And each time at a different place.

‘What’s her identity?’

Once at Carcassonne’s auction, once at Lucerne’s ballroom, and recently, at the temple, every location was different. It felt like she was somehow chasing after her.

‘I’m not certain, but…’

She had contacted Archbishop Gilliam, but all she got from the irritated archbishop was the reply: ‘There’s no priest by that name in the order.’

The archbishop might be lying, but the chances weren’t high. There was no reason for him to.

‘So she pretended to be a priest but isn’t one?’

How was it in her previous life?

Juliet tilted her head.

Dahlia had made her appearance with the full support of Pope Sebastian.

‘But that Sebastian is now in prison.’

Could that be why Dahlia hasn’t shown up?

“Juliet, what are you looking at?”


Juliet looked up. Opposite her was a young lady with curious eyes.

“It’s nothing, Emma. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. But we’ll be arriving soon!”

Juliet was on her way to the south with Emma.

“We will soon see grandma.”

Emma said with joy.

Grandma was the famous Madam Ilena.

Ilena Lindberg.

Commonly known as godmother Ilena, the elderly lady was an acquaintance of the late Count and Countess Monas.

She had even attended Juliet’s salon at her invitation and helped her some time ago.

After divorcing her notorious playboy husband, Madam Ilena was now enjoying her leisurely old age surrounded by friends and granddaughters.

Recently, Madam Elena, who has a domain in the south, invited Juliet.

[Why don’t you come over and stay with my granddaughter?]

Without much thought, Juliet accepted the invitation.

She wanted some distance from the complex matters.

She was tired of the cold after spending days in a snow-covered forest.

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