☁️Nov 14/2023☁️

33 1 0

So, school sucks, I've just started subliminals again this summer, I wanted to get my schedule down before I made this journal so...
Anyways, I'm back in the mythical community, I had a journal back around 2020 in a different account that I lost the password to, although the journal only had like 7 parts.

I should probably speak more of what my mythical type is, or I should say species.
I was a nephalem in a past life as I said before and I faintly remembered my parents, one was an archangel, the other was an incubus, I do still feel some strong connections to them but I'll be clear to say that I'm not saying I'm still a nephalem now, I fully know I was born human and even though I may not like it, it's the truth.
I've been trying to grow my wings ever since I've joined the community but I've fallen back on my progress and what Im trying to achieve, I've made up my mind to grow my wings, tail and eartufts, then connect with my past more.
🌨️My symptoms today🌨️
-Back aches, nothing too severe

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