🌖Feb 26/2024🌖

31 1 0

So this isn't a progress update, well, not a wing growth one. This is a life update and I just got some bad news from my sister.
TW: Harassment and SA
You've been warned

So to give context, me and my stepdad don't have the best relations. I moved away to my biological dad because things with my stepdad and my biological mom have gotten rocky with me. They've grown more strict and more aggressive to me. I was afraid. They despised my use of magick and witchcraft, they hated it because it went against their Christian beliefs. Now please, any Christians or Christian witches out there, don't take this as slander please. I'm not blaming their Christianity for what they did. I think they just used it as a cover and excuse for their behavior.
This is about my stepdad. He and I used to be close when I was younger but it he got too close when I turned 14. I don't want to go to detail since it's traumatizing but all I can say is he used to go to my room at night and touch me. This went on for years till I turned 16. Then he stopped for a short while then he started again, except he did my stepsister too. That shocked me because she's his actual daughter. I would expect me since im not restored him but his own daughter though is crazy...
I turned 17 and I decided it was time to spill it to my mom. But before hand she told me it was probably best to move to my dads house since it didn't seem like I liked being with her and my stepdad, well obviously you know why. After that, a couple days passed and I spilled to her. She was shocked, and guess what, she didn't believe me. She practically kicked me out of the house, im lucky to have my real dad to take me. He doesn't know a thing.
I've been with him for a year now and my sister is telling me things got way worse over there. She said it's gotten more strict and her parents trash talk her and verbally abuse her. Even blaming her for her own fainting disorder, which she literally has no control over. It drives me nuts. Then she told me her dad was touching her like he touched me so she told her mom, our mom. Of course our mom was shocked again, she thought I lied. She still doesn't believe...but my sister spoke to the police and now my stepdad is arrested...
I don't know what to do...

Now since I wrote that all I might as well update on my wings. Sorry for the depressing note though, I literally just got told this now by my sis.
So for my wing growth, not much except my left side being an absolute bitch and a pain heh. Sorry to disappoint.  I do have more spirit like symptoms though.
-Left side hurting a lot
-Feeling warmth in my fingertips when I focus on tapping into my celestial side
-I've started to see spirits more vividly for some reason

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