☀️Nov 21/2023☀️

25 1 0

It's a slow day, not much to report about. I slept in and I woke up exhausted like usual. Growing wings sure does take a lot of energy and effort, but I won't give up, don't worry. I was trying to sleep on my back but I felt like two knives were being wedged where my shoulder blades are. Not very pleasant, I didn't sleep well.
Late yesterday I went out with my stepmom and we got ourselves some Venus flytraps, I personally used to raise them and propagate them back in my old home, so I expect this house will be full of them, I hope.
I've done some more research on wing growth and ways to help expedite the process a little. I've found that biokinesis, visualization and subliminals help me the most, my mental condition makes meditation very difficult. I may write how I preform my visualization and biokinesis in a later part but no promises.
-General back pain
-Burning pains
-Heavy phantom limbs

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