☁️Nov 19/2023☁️

27 1 2

I went out eating with my parents, finally Thanksgiving break. School has been very stressful the last week and I had a lot of tests in History, Algebra 2 and Coding but I got decent grades on all of them.
My wing nubs love acting up when I'm outside, when I'm at home they're docile little things but when I'm around people they just love to ache and be little nuisances. I love the nubs to death but they just love being little goofy things. 🥲
I did some tarot readings and the cards told me I'm coming towards a large transformation some time in the future, Im not sure if it's about my wing growth but I sure do hope so!
I can no longer sleep on my back.
-Stabby pains
-Bad posture
-Back hurts whenever touched
-Phantom wings

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