☁️Mar 17/2024☁️

17 1 0

Alright, I know it's been almost 2 weeks since I last updated but hear me out. I was at my Moms house in a different state and I had to deal with all the police stuff and talking to the child advocacy stuff, all stressful things.
I spent around a week at my moms place and other than the scary investigators it wasn't so bad, we went shopping and ate at lots of delicious restaurants. My sister came out to me as trans and I'm proud of her. I stocked up on witchcraft supplies and I'm very excited to use it.
I took a break from my physical wing growth since my body needed it and my back was killing me for so long I just had to take a break on it. I'm back to growing again and I'm really going to work on it, hoping to see some more progress this spring.
⚡️Symptoms (during break)⚡️
-Feelings of missing something
-More energy thanks to it not being all poured into my wings growth

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