⛅️Mar 5/2024⛅️

25 1 0

Hello everyone who bothers to read this, I'm back after some time. We didn't do anything court related yet but he's in jail for the time being. I have to talk to forensics on Thursday and I'm stressing out about it.

Tiny wing update, I have noticed more small bumps on my shoulder blades and they feel like prickles, you know like how baby chicks start growing their adult feathers kind of prickles. I could be growing some small feathers, since it's happened before. (I have grown 3 very small feathers out of my back, all varying shades of grey) Its been a long while since that's happened but I'm hoping that's the case now. Or it could just be acne. 🫠
-Bumps on my upper back
-Possible feather growth
-Right wing nub hurts alot

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