Chapter 48

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Jason's POV

I woke up out my sleep, with the sudden urge to pee. I go at least twice during the night. I pat Malarie, whispering I was going to use the bathroom. Although she didn't say anything. Duh Jason she's sleep.

I slowly walked to the bathroom, trying to see through the darkly lit room. I was met by the bathroom light already being on, and the door slightly open. I woke up fully, kicking the door open. I heard a screech. It was Malarie, hovering over the toilet.

Shit, that must have been a pillow I tapped.

"I'm sorry baby. Are you alright? What are you doing in here so early?" Stepping more into the bathroom, I rambled off questions.

"I felt sick, so I came in here to throw up. This is all your fault Jason!" She cried, shakily standing up. "I'm sorry."

"Is that all you can freaking say? Is 'sorry'. Learn a new damn word." She flushed the toilet, walking over to the sink.

I got that feeling to pee again, so I quickly walked over to the toilet bowl. Lifting the seat up, I pulled out my manhood and relieved myself.

"You pee to long, get the hell out Jason." She snapped, as she brushed her teeth.

That's two Malarie, two curse words.

"Will you calm down, I'm trying to get it all out." I finish up, shaking off the access droplets. "No I won't calm down, you get on my last nerves! No one ever told you to cum inside my vagina!" She yelled, throwing the toothpaste at me. I ignored that childish move.

"What have I done so wrong Malarie? I just came in here to take a piss! To be honest, you're being all sorts of bitchy. So you need to calm your little ass down!" I responded, too growing irritated.

"Malarie girl, don't blow up on this jerk asshole. Just breathe, just breath girl. His bitch ass, is just getting on your nerves." She spoke in third person, as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"You need to watch your damn mouth with me. You're crazy, but I'm crazier. So calm your short ass down. I don't see what I've done wrong!" I shouted, still standing away from her.

"You've done everything wrong! You-ugh you make me so mad! I can't stand you. You are so dumb, and you like seducing me!" A bar of soap collided with my head.

"AH SHIT!" I placed my hand over my head. Feeling around for any type of blood. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I shouted, biting my bottom lip frowning. That's when a wet towel was thrown at my face. Staying there.

Kind of funny, but not when I'm in pain. I haven't taken my medicine yet. Oh please God... she's carrying my child, and we promised no fighting. Give me strength lord, give me strength.

"You're what's wrong with me, you stupid asshole." I stormed over to her lifting my hand up to hit her. "Go ahead and hit me! You break your promises all the time." She evilly teased me.

I fought with myself, making attempts to hit her dead in the face. Coming to conclusions. I slowly lowered my tightly clutched fist, biting my knuckles from any type of impulse. I went over to the sink to wash my hands, ignoring her pleads to get me to lash out. Why does she want me to mess up?

As she kept throwing shade at me, I stepped forward. Her eyes grew wider than ever. She cautiously took a step back.

"I swear if you touch me Jason, I'm leav-" I interrupted her weak threat.

I firmly placed my hand over her mouth, pressing her against the wall. She screamed into my hand, looking absolutely terrified wiggling around. I inwardly did a victory dance. She always has to put up that, fake bad bitch facade. But in reality she's a little chicken.

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