Chapter 68

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Malarie's POV

Four days later

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in. So shame on me now, flew me to places I'd never been. Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground, oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!" I sing along to Taylor Swift, as I dust the TV of any dust bunnies. "Ugh you jerk! Now you got me singing Taylor Swift!" I grumble to myself.

"Momm-" I point the duster at Tasha's face, shaking it back and forth. "Don't you dare ask to call him again, I said no." She groans, plopping herself down on the couch. Crossing her arms over her chest, with an attitude.

God this little girl watches me and Jason way too much! The attitude is from me, the anger from him.

"Are you ever going to let that poor child see her father... at your own home?" My mom asked, settling her briefcase down. "She'll see him soon enough." Growing a bit agitated I dust more firmer.

"Let her talk to him at least?" I shake my head in protest. "Well why not, he is her adoptive father." Placing my hand on my hip, I tap my foot on the floor.

"Is me trying to have some distance so wrong? Everyone is telling me to give him another chance. I've given all my chances mom. You, Cal, Jessa, even dad, are taking his side. Is me needing some space, so wrong? Jeez." I wipe my teary eyes irritatedly.

"I'm not taking anyone's side Malarie, and you know it! But when you have two children with a person, the kids should always come first! No matter what you two are going through. It's time to woman up, and let her call her father- he is all she has now." My mom spoke annoyed and full on right. And I knew it.

"I'll raise my children how I want to raise them. She's not calling him and that's final." Taking the vacuum out, I plug it into the wall socket ready to use. "And when she grows up not liking you, come to me so I can say I told you so. You're stubborn and so uptight." Mama stormed out the front door, making sure to slam it.

"I want my daddy, mommy." Ignoring her some more, I let my hair down from its bun. "I said I want my daddy!" Tasha cries dramatically on the couch, as I vacuum up her chip spilled mess.

"And I said no, so stop asking little girl." That makes her cry full blown tears. "Hush up your little mouth, all you're doing is making nothing but noise." She doesn't listen, instead she hits the couch with her fist.

I see her crawl to my nonstop ringing phone on the arm of couch, trying to answer it again. "I said no Natasha McCann! No talking to your father no more." Taking the phone out her hands, I shove it in my pocket.

She has already picked up my phone twice today- when Jason called for the umpteenth time. This whole entire month he has left over several voicemails, messages, calls, and FaceTime requests on my phone. I literally had to power it off, all because he couldn't get the hint. To make matters worse... big mouth Cal, told him my number to my non trackable phone. Which he blows up more than my regular one.

"YOU SO MEAN MOMMY!" I pay her screaming tantrum no mind, finishing my cleaning of my parents house. "I like daddy better, you ugly." Shutting the vacuum off, I fish my phone out my pocket. Giving her a glare, with a sassy eye roll.

"You want to speak to your father, so be it!" Giving up on my tough bitch façade of ignoring him. I dial his number I know so well. "Here, don't ask me again." I hand over the phone, earning a toothy smile from her little bad butt.

"HI DADDY! HI DADDY!" She jumps up and down on the couch, nearly falling off. "Be careful." I sit her back down, beginning to play with Jacob.

"I miss you too daddy. Uh huh, she's right here." She pointed her little finger my way, causing me to scoff lightly. "Yes. Um mommy, what are you wearing? Oh never mind, daddy says I not supposed to say that." I inwardly slap him upside his head.

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